- COD 2 mod Concept Ideas...
- Cluster Cube
- Multi Media Frenzy
- Silver Eagle mod
- Need Inspiration!
- An idea
- Car Pc
- A few ideas. Feel free to try 'em!
- Real Cool Idea
- Hidden Wiring?
- CD Rack
- ne body interested in painting there case
- American Muscle
- Super Sli Build
- "Industrial Trauma"
- Wanted: Ideas for mod
- Gamecube Mod Help!
- Paint Schemes - Need help deciding which to use
- Tribal case
- Original Quake Case
- Water Works
- Guns!?
- old school wiring
- Ideas for a first mod
- kewl and effective idea...
- multi use keyboard
- 17 in. screen in PC - questions
- Hl2
- My case idea concept
- Custom Laptop Cooler (Aluminum Questions)
- star trek ideas for case mods
- ? Rounded egdes ?
- Computer in Picture Frames
- Umbrella Corporation case
- World of warcraft ideas
- Fallout Case: Garden of Eden Creation Kit
- My brain hurst
- Waterfall?
- Tech or Zanzibar
- DVD Player mod
- Spinning Screen
- first case mod ideas
- n64puter
- halo mod
- Industrial Theamed Case - Any Ideas?
- Retro to the max
- Miltaryish Computer
- Battlefield 1942 Mod (sry)
- War Flag
- |Putting a computer in a tv
- Computer in Xbox case
- Spray Painting Cellphone
- postman pat
- Counter Strike: Source Theme
- 96 Gateway Desktop
- my p180
- swing doors
- Stealth or Pimp?
- Copper and Color
- Possible cheap source of lights?
- an idea..
- fan control switch question
- A better drive stealthing method
- My Mod
- Mad Max or Predator
- Using chainmail for case window!
- Ghostrider Theme
- Any ideas on new mod??
- MotherBoard on the left side?
- computer/filtration unit
- Free Laptop
- Need ideas....
- Nice front bezel idea....
- Need ideas on this one
- Radioactive
- 1/2 tone computer
- Acrylic? Why not glass?
- Tetrixx, The double Xening.
- NES/Super Mario Bros.
- A good case mod?
- Good starter mod
- Pirate Case
- WWF Royal Rumble Case mod
- increased air flow/ reduced weight
- Got ideas? care to share?
- $$$How can I make money?$$$
- Tribute to computing
- Mod For A Girl
- Self made noise dampners (gaskets)
- Stealth it or Pimp it???
- Need ideas for HALO2 Mod!!!!!
- Sub Woofer Mod
- Any ideas at all
- Any ideas for this case/mod;-)
- Any ideas for this case/mod;-)
- Boondock saints mod
- Ying Yang
- Resident Evil, Nemesis case idea
- Inspire meeee!!!
- help me develop this idea plz
- Electric dell
- maximum giggerage HDD space anyone?
- Has this been done before?
- Case Graphics - Query
- pirate case
- speaker mix
- Nikko Stereo Reciever
- New to modding, new to the site
- Just had an idea.
- Suggestions: Project Renew the Old
- Wood Micro-Atx Case
- PDA and Laptop Hard drive = Video MP3 player
- My Ideas
- Got an idea.. need feedback
- new case concept
- Diving Helmet anyone?
- Summer-Time Super Lanboy Mod
- Tribute to flight
- Building ma own case
- Motorized Case Side! Man!
- Electrochromic Plexiglass
- my idea/questions
- Arcade
- Damn. These are expensive, but would kick ass.
- My idea...
- anyone using matlab?
- Laptop/Portable Wifi HD(TV)
- R.A.M cooler
- Three Fans, the Story
- Hal 9000
- Ideas for Lian Li PC 70
- Ideas for a premod case
- just an idea
- hey my first mod
- out of ID's (gothic style)
- Spare Stuff From Old PC, What To Do?
- Just an idea
- Home Made Super Computers?
- Shocking Hardware
- New Guy and His Idea
- My First Big Project
- Modding Q.
- creative troubles
- Need help with some fnishing touches...
- Airflow and Noise Reduction
- Cold Cathode Inverter setup
- King Kong Mod
- 24-Hour Mod
- Wingman 2 Joystick Switch
- Chesterfield DJ!
- Lian Li PC-G70B mods and ideas
- old school television mod
- Window Engraving.
- FarCry 3 mod!!
- Cheap Water-Cooling Idea
- I need some help..
- Alienware?
- heatsink from a radio
- Glass Blowing
- Mini Fridge PC, want input.
- Cooler Master Case Inspires Mod
- Web site needed!
- Bmw
- Pirates of Caribbean
- car mod but its kinda cool.
- what can be done to the thermaltake tai chi
- open HDD's
- Radioactive Aluminium Mesh
- Any Qpack mods out there? new member :)
- Bugatti Mod (sorry bmw mod)
- event horizon?
- 86 Ford Tempo Mod Ideas Needed
- My Mod Idea
- Burned up Mod
- radiators....
- graphical led switches
- Savage 2: The Tortured Soul
- Operation: Plexa The Lexa
- Coming Soon - Chevy theme
- Custom Acrylic Reservoir... good idea or bad?
- LCD Screen Mod
- Custom "Racing" Fan Speed Control?
- Tv Mce
- google SKETCHUP
- Salvage Fiesta!
- Soda Case Mod
- custom laptop?
- Hayao Miyazaki Idea...
- The answer is... 42.
- frontix
- Need good cases
- a chill for the cooling community
- mod comp
- Wi-Fi router mod...
- Coolermaster Centurion 5 Mods?
- Modding a Antec SLK-2600
- Just an idea
- DIY fan controller?
- Ferrari Mod
- Mercedes Shark
- Xbox/Computer Mod
- Keronite coating
- Dude, Im Getting A DELL!
- Custom Window Idea
- Just a thought...
- Enough Power...?
- MCtv external winAMP controls
- Converting a MX-510 to G7
- Creative X-Fi Custom front panel audio hookup
- Air cooling...Literally!
- Console - PC (need ideas)
- Watercooling Radiator Duct
- touchpad keyboard
- Which Case Do I Use?!?
- lcd in drive bay
- Modding an M:robe 500i
- Small Drives
- New Cooling Idea
- privacy glass window
- Sound
- watersink
- This may sound wierd
- Another Wierd but awesome thing
- the industry: the start of a work log...
- I think I just about got it... getting close at least :P
- A long, long term project
- Here's for the temperature-minded
- another cool idea of mine..
- Simultaneous Rip/Burn
- Earth Sky and Space
- The Case Mod Idea Thread
- Into the unknown I go... (with pictures!)
- Upsidedown Case
- Could Someone Make This?
- TES IV: PC Oblivion
- PSP as a computer LCD?
- Need Some ideas!!!
- could make a book with my mods
- external keypad idea
- Nintendo Theme: A remake of a classic.
- Wanted: Gothic/Ninga/Technological Black theme
- Need some opinions :)
- Case Idea for Mitapi
- vandal-proof keyboard
- A few design ideas
- Coming Soon.....The Frank Lloyd Wright PC
- Scratch-built air filters
- the industry: parts for the future...
- Laptop recycle.