View Full Version : Motor City LAN

09-14-2007, 11:27 AM
Hello! I know I haven't been posting a lot, but there is good reason!

I am hosting a 500+ person event that will have the following.

Electronics/Computer/Gaming Tradeshow
PC Lan party (Hoping for 300+ peeps)
Xbox 360 Lan Party
Table top games. (Magic, Yu-gi-oh, DND that sorta stuff.)

There will be tournaments AND prizes for each of the following events with games that are TBD (A lot of new games are coming about between now and the date) Yes there will be a PC "Hot-Mod" Contest

As of right now our website looks like dog crap www.motorcitylan.com.

This event is located in the Metro Detroit area Michigan.

If you have any questions or comments about it I will be more then happy to answer them ^.^ just shoot me an email. thewhitedarthvader@gmail.com

I'm planning it to be on Jan.26 - 27 and will roughly be 30 dollars for both days (If your planning to LAN)

If you want to volunteer to help aswell, that would be great too! Just shoot me an email!
