View Full Version : Whats new!

02-12-2008, 09:44 PM
Here's what's new in the world of video gaming.

EA has finally announced a concrete date for Spore. Sep 7th of 2008. This game is being designed by Will Wright who created the cult series "Sims".
BioWare States that Mass Effect will show up on PCs as early as May. Mass Effect is currently only available on the xbox 360.
Rockstar Games have release a couple videos on its upcoming title GTAIV. Check them out on http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3166139
The Valentines Event has already begun in the World of Warcraft. Log on and share the love :)
Microsoft has announced that they do NOT plan on creating the anticipated game "Marvel Universe Online." They say that according them, it would not be considered a "Commercial Success". (I say bollocks to that!)
Lost Odyssey was released today. Go grab a copy!

Games to watch for:
Spore and GTAIV.

02-12-2008, 10:26 PM
Resident Evil 5 as well :)

02-12-2008, 10:30 PM
Ive been dying to get my hands on Spore. Seems really cool. But im not going to get my hopes up as most games that look as ground breaking as that does usually don't end up with half the features they originally are seen with or wanting.

But ohh lordy I hope it is as cool as it looks.

But I doubt they will meet the deadline. Sure this one may be a date, but its been pushed back so much as it is.

02-12-2008, 10:54 PM
WEAK SAUCE! I BUY A 360 AND BIOWARE TRYS TO PULL THIS CRAP!? They're plotting against me I swear... :evil:

And to think my PC would run laps around my 360 with it's legs tied together.

Oh well, I can get Mass Effect for either. I've got options now :).

02-13-2008, 12:05 AM
Have you seen videos for spore?

That video is what is going to be into it. I've heard rumours that most of the reasons its taking so long is because its a bitch to program.

02-13-2008, 10:00 AM
WEAK SAUCE! I BUY A 360 AND BIOWARE TRYS TO PULL THIS CRAP!? They're plotting against me I swear... :evil:

And to think my PC would run laps around my 360 with it's legs tied together.

Oh well, I can get Mass Effect for either. I've got options now :).

Dont worry, theres plenty more games on 360.

02-13-2008, 10:45 AM
Oh man, this is gonna be a good year! Well, not so much until towards the end of the year. I can't wait for Spore to come out! That game looks so mind numbingly awesome...

Then we have the third book in the Inheritance Cycle by Paolini coming out in September. I don't care what people say, I love those books! Too bad he's taking SO dreadfully long to write them. This third book better be pushing a thousand pages or I'm gonna be a bit upset.

And of course, just to top all that off, things will be changing like mad for me this year. Just a lil bit of icing on the already oh so sweet cake.

Does anyone know if there are any games that are like Spore? I love the whole idea of "evolving". Reminds me of E.V.O.: Search for Eden for the SNES! :P

02-13-2008, 03:09 PM
EA has finally announced a concrete date for Spore. Sep 7th of 2008. This game is being designed by Will Wright who created the cult series "Sims".

I am sooooo jealous of the guys over at bit-tech who get to play all the new games.

Spore (http://www.bit-tech.net/gaming/2008/02/13/spore_hands-on_preview/1)

They got to play Spore pretty much the entire way through the game. AND it seems my fears of it being a letdown have been put to shame as the game in its current state appears to be most everything they claimed it would be.

OHHHH when will September 08 roll around. I need a time machine :blivnk:

02-13-2008, 09:29 PM
OHHHH when will September 08 roll around. I need a time machine :blivnk:

Just freeze yourself,if Cartman could do it you could too! :up:

02-14-2008, 08:13 PM
EA announced that you are able to obtain the Creature Editor before the Sept. 7 release date of the full game.

They have not released however the confirmed date of the release of the creature editor.

So you'll get a taste before the game :)

02-14-2008, 09:27 PM
Ohhh lordy!!! The creatures of my dreams will run rampant!

Not only can you design your own creatures, but buildings, cars, tanks, ufo's. Most everything can be user created.

Because of this issue they made a comment on how they are not sure if they are even going to have expansions, as just about anything you want can be either made, or downloaded by user made templates.

Ohh I have to forget about this game or I will drive myself crazy waiting.

Black & White was an awesome game. And I have a feeling Spore is going to blow that the hell out of the water.

02-14-2008, 09:35 PM
EA announced that you are able to obtain the Creature Editor before the Sept. 7 release date of the full game.

They have not released however the confirmed date of the release of the creature editor.

So you'll get a taste before the game :)

So "technically" they could release it on the 6th of September?:D

02-14-2008, 09:39 PM
So "technically" they could release it on the 6th of September?:D

Technically shouldn't be in quotes, and yes, they could. They could release the editor at 11:59:59.99 Sept. 6th and it'd still be out before the game. =/

02-14-2008, 09:52 PM
Ill be watching for a confirmed date on when the creature creator is coming out and I'll post it on another "Whats new" post in the future.