View Full Version : Guitar Hero 3 PC

03-09-2008, 09:38 PM
Borrowed this from a buddy and all I can say is that it is on POS port. Constantly during the song the fret board has little tiny jumps and lags. Then other times all notes dissappear from the screen for a few seconds and then all zoom by quickly when they reappear, but it is already to late as you already missed those.

Glad I just borrowed this instead of buying it as I do not see how companies can get away with this bullshiz crappy coding/whatever reason.

Its not my system, check it out. I had everything set to minimum and it still did it just as often.

The patches don't help it either. Its quite ridiculous, as a ton of other people are having the same issue as well. And no it isn't monitor lag, 0ms for me here. Its the actual game lagging.

So unless they pull some kind of miracle patch, don't buy this game for the PC. :dead: lol

03-09-2008, 09:59 PM
I have it and don't have problems... I get occasional lag, but that happens with every game. It used to skip, but I got a new graphics card and updated and now it's fine.

03-09-2008, 10:08 PM
Glad I didn't buy it on the PC then and bought it on the PS2 instead.

03-09-2008, 11:45 PM
I dont mean to get off topic, but I am really getting tired of bad console ports. If they just take the time to do it right, then the game would be so much better. Lately I've gotten Gears of War PC, Halo 2 PC and Unreal Tournament III. Gears of War and Halo 2; the most basic of basic ports. They're just milking those and you can tell. Unreal Tournament as your probably know is not a console port, but it sure feels like one. Right now I am waiting for Halo 3 PC, and if that sux I dont know what I'll do.

Sorry for the quick thread hijack, but I've been meaning to rant about that for a while...


03-10-2008, 12:09 AM
Supposedly Halo 3 isn't going to come to PC b/c they see it as their flagship title for xbox 360, we'll see though. And it'll be just as bad as halo 2 for a port so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

03-10-2008, 12:12 AM
Supposedly Halo 3 isn't going to come to PC b/c they see it as their flagship title for xbox 360, we'll see though. And it'll be just as bad as halo 2 for a port so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Are you serious!? I sure hope they change their mind. The only thing that gives me hope at this point is the fact that bungie left microsoft and bungie (I believe) won't have to have Microsoft publish halo 3 (though they might still do that). Seriously though, I'd be really pissed if they never do Halo 3 PC...


03-10-2008, 07:11 AM
Most of you are probably aware of this by now, but it deserves another mention:
Frets on Fire (http://fretsonfire.sourceforge.net/)
For those of you who have been living in a geodesic psycho isolation chamber (bonus points if you can name the reference), Frets on Fire is a free Guitar Hero clone where you hold the keyboard like a guitar and play with the F1-F5 keys.
And you can create your own songs for it or download any of the thousands already put together by fans. Well worth a look, especially if you're without Guitar Hero.

03-10-2008, 07:53 AM
Haha, frets on fire is great fun! its definatly on par with the guitar hero games i've played, all its missing are the background graphics, which are kinda pointless anyways.

03-10-2008, 09:12 AM
Another word on the PC version of GH3... the guitar is 100% compatible to the Xbox360 version. SO.. if you do happen to get it for PC, you can plug your guitar into an xbox360 and shred. :D

03-10-2008, 09:59 AM
I get occasional lag, but that happens with every game.

Thing is that it SHOULD NOT happen in a rhythm game. It doesn't happen on audiosurf. It doesn't happen on the 360 version either. As I mentioned, its not my graphics card. I can turn the settings down to minimum and the lag occurs just as often as when the settings are maxed. Turned off AV/firewall and everything else, doesn't change a thing.

I am using the guitar on the pc. Just plug it in and download the drivers.

I have Frets on Fire, just was borrowing this. Also, not all songs are well done on Frets on Fire either. A lot of song people make are just what notes sound good and not what they should be. Ehh...Good game nonetheless. I also question the legality of distributing songs without the permission of the bands/companies as well, but thats another topic I suppose.

Games that are either coded poorly or a bad port or whatnot are driving me crazy. As a coder I don't understand it. Well I can understand the "Port it quick, and milk it while you still can" idea, but I do not condone it at all. If I ever work for a company that is trying to push a product I know doesn't work correctly out of the box, I will demand my name be removed from the credits. I wouldn't want my name all over a product that I know isn't completed/completely finished. But I guess the promise of quick money is too much for companies and stock holders. How this has become the "norm" I do not understand. The "Get it out, patch it up to acceptable within 3-6months" mentality is horrifying to me. How these companies have not gotten sued is beyond me. And its not only console ports, as I have had plenty of games made directly for the console that had the same issues. It all just utterly disgusts me to the point that I will not often buy a new game without borrowing it from a friend first.

I'm starting to look at most games very skeptically. I am actually starting to consider most games an extremely poor investment. Look at it this way: If you buy a product from the store and it is defective or doesn't work the way it is supposed to, what do you do? You return the damn thing. You can't do that with poorly coded/ported games. Stores will not accept returns on games (DRM crap) and those that do will only return for the same game. What is the point in swapping for another game when the coding is the issue not the fact that the disk is screwy or whatever. With games, once you buy them you are screwed and put to the developer's leisure if they do not work correctly.

The fact that you can't trust reviews anymore is frustrating as well. Because most big reviews won't even mention that the game is laden with gamebreaking bugs. I won't buy a game anymore that has its name and images plastered all over a game review site, as you know someone's pockets are being lined.

Just so frustrating. Coding for games brings a new light into things for me. But its so disheartening to see games come out like this, and companies supporting it, as I won't be able to do that. I'd rather work for some insurance company managing a boring database than work for some illustrious game company where my name gets put on the credits of a hardly working game where coders/gamers like me grow to loathe.

03-10-2008, 07:43 PM
psychonauts is where the obscure qoute came from my friend. very fun game

03-10-2008, 07:48 PM
Ahh, I see. I wanted to, but never actually got around to playing that one. I know, its almost blasphemous to say such things but it is true... :(

03-12-2008, 11:29 PM
Well I have been forcing myself to play it as I do enjoy the game just not its inadequacies. I can only play for a short while because the small little lags screw with your eyes after a while.

I can deal with the big lags as they don't occur too often, maybe every other song, sometimes more. But on hard and above just one is all it takes to lose. So it sucks. Also having an insane run then having that happen sucks.

Right now I'm stuck on bracket 7 I believe on Hard. The one with Slipknot, Knights of Cydonia, 3's and 7's I believe is the bracket. The solo's is what is getting me on most of them. Looks like I'll have to actually use the practice tool the dev's blessed the game with ;).

03-13-2008, 06:43 PM
I was playing CnC3 but they ruined it by tweaking it too much. It was kind of lame with all the changes from TS anyway. Ah well.

In other news, I enjoyed Rock Band a lot more than GH3... and Frets on Fire isn't running right but I'm not worried about it right now. Too tired from a new job, lol. Yay for money.

03-13-2008, 07:38 PM
For Frets on Fire, if you set the affinity for the process to one core it runs much smoother. Just a tip.

03-14-2008, 12:15 AM
Well I beat that 7th bracket or whatever that number was. All that's left is Lou's inferno then off to expert.

So far those songs I thought were hard really weren't. Just took a once through on practice on slow and got the patterns and was set.

Lou is supposed to be insane. I tried him on medium and there's really only certain times you can take him out. Hopefully I can make it through lol. I remember when I couldn't even play the damn game on easy lmao.