View Full Version : New 3G iPhone

06-09-2008, 08:15 PM
It has been announced at WWDC on Monday Evening US times.
- Arrives in stores July 11
- 3g connectivity, GPS, Wifi
- 8gb model - $199
-16gb model - $299

It is gonna be a very awesome phone in Australia with 3g speeds up around the 7.6mbps range. :devious:. But I will probably be capped at 3mbps. Oh well at least it works country wide. Also we are about to get 3 apple stores opening in a few days down under. Also in Australia it will be sold by 3 separate carriers and also sold unlocked.

Update: Apparently those prices are US prices and with a 2 year AT&T plan.

06-09-2008, 10:07 PM
Does Australia not have AT&T or are you guys just special down there? lol

I would so gladly pay double the price and then some if only I could get it for Verizon...

Meh, I'll just get a Curve for $50 dollars less. :p

I was so hoping for video conferencing, not that I would use it all that often, but it would of been really nice to at least have the option. ...I was also hoping it would have MMS, better camera or at least a camera with a flash. But again, things I probably wouldn't use that much anyways. Just would of been nice coming from whats supposed to be one of the worlds most amazing phones.

Overall: It would be really nice to have, but still not enough to make me want to give up Verizon and then even pay more monthly than what I'm currently getting from Verizon. I'll just have to get a Curve or something.

06-09-2008, 10:16 PM
I believe that AT&T is only in the U.S. Apple is slowly getting deals with other foreign carriers, to sellit in their respective countries.

06-09-2008, 11:10 PM
AT&T only offers consumer services in a few countries. We have have our own companies. Telstra which use to be the like Bell and owns most of the infrastructure. Optus owned by the huge Singapore Telecom and of course Vodaphone which will sell the iPhone in europe and a few other places as well. These companies except for Tesltra strangly enough are carying the iPhone in Australia.

Also I think it will get sold unlocked here as all phones have to be unlockable in Australia.

Here is endagets hands on.

Yeah no video conferencing as the camera is on the back and no word on MMS support.