View Full Version : Intel's New Six Core Chip

09-15-2008, 07:26 AM
A new story entry has been added:

Intel's New Six Core Chip


How high can you count on five fingers? If you are a binary nerd it will be 31, but for the rest of us, we stop at five. Happy news for us, Intel just announced a processor with six cores. We may need two hands to count them, but we only need one brain to know that six is more than two or four. The good old days of single chip computing are close to being over. How long will it be before we see 10 core, or maybe 1023 core chips? We'll have to ask Gordon E. Moore....

09-20-2008, 04:18 PM
I have recently installed a bunch of these processors at work. Man these things make a server scream.

4 of these bad boys per 4u server, that's a LOT of processor power.