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10-06-2008, 08:27 PM
Just found out this in my inbox.

Good day,
I am Dr.David Fung, I've in my bank deal worth $18.5m to transact with
you.Reply me for details. Sincerely
Dr David Fung

Not only am I gonna be rich as hell, but I get to say I'm with the WANG HANG BANK. How good is that?

Anyone else got something hilariously stupid in their inbox recently?


PS: I will lock this thread if it spirals out of control. Friendly warning. ;)

10-06-2008, 08:38 PM
Awesome.. do they have a referral process.. I would love to get in on WANG HANG BANK!

10-06-2008, 08:48 PM
Apparently, they think I'm Hugo Chávez

Colombia, Febrero de 2.008

Señor presidente Chávez,

En nombre de la gente de Colombia, no del gobierno ni de ninguna entidad gubernamental, quisiéramos darle las mas sinceras gracias por sus oficios como mediador en la liberación de las dos secuestradas Clara Rojas y Consuelo González.

Son de todos muy conocidas, por sus recientes acciones y declaraciones, las grandes razones humanitarias que le han motivado a ser el gran intermediario en el conflicto que vive nuestra bella Colombia desde hace tantos años.

Por eso, estamos todos seguros que usted, Presidente Chávez, es capaz de lograr la liberación de los restantes 698 secuestrados por las FARC.

A cambio de eso, Presidente Chávez, y a nombre de la gran mayoría de Colombianos, le extiendo una mano con nuestros mejores deseos para usted y una lista de regalos.

Le damos las FARC y al ELN, todas para usted. No nos las merecemos, nuestro egoísmo hace que rechacemos a estas personas tan humanitarias, llévenselas usted y disfrútenlas.

Le damos toda la droga que esta en los territorios donde se esconden las FARC, haga lo que le plazca con ella. Regálensela a los jóvenes europeos que constantemente hacen colectas para ayudar a las guerrillas, creo que se lo merecen.

Le damos todas las minas quiebra patas que han puesto las FARC en nuestra tierra, le damos los burros-bombas, le damos los cilindros explosivos con lo que se han destruido humildes pueblos.

Le damos a todos los que odian a Colombia, le damos a Piedad Córdoba, úsela a su antojo, desfrútela.

Le damos a todos los violentos, los delincuentes, los políticos corruptos.

Le damos el gobierno de transición que Piedad Córdoba le prometió a Simón Trinidad.

Le damos a Simón Trinidad, cuando cumpla su condena en los Estados Unidos, se lo puede llevar también.

Le damos el terrorismo que asola nuestra nación, cójaselo para usted. Cuando ya lo tenga, llámelo como quiera "beligerancia", "humanismo", "altruismo", "proyecto Bolivariano".

Le damos a los paramilitares, triste consecuencia de Las acciones "humanitarias" de las guerrillas.

Le damos nuestras lagrimas, nuestros miedos, nuestros temores, nuestras pesadillas, nuestro dolor, nuestros más funestos recuerdos.

Le damos todo eso, presidente, si disfrútelo y compártalo con todos los que lo aplauden, con todos los que alientan su proyecto Bolivariano.

Por favor, no lo devuelva, es todo suyo. Se lo damos de todo corazón.


Un colombiano más.

You can translate if you really want to know what it says

10-06-2008, 09:02 PM

I keep getting spam relating to various pills, lol. The names of the "people" that sent the email are pretty great too.

10-06-2008, 09:03 PM
Read this site about baiting scammers such as these, it's very funny:

http://baita.mugu.co.uk/ (The Angelina Jolie one comes highly reccomended)

10-06-2008, 09:13 PM
Hmm... I find it interesting I actually understand most of the email Nevermind got.

10-06-2008, 09:14 PM
Hmm... I find it interesting I actually understand most of the email Nevermind got.

Care to translate? :P

10-07-2008, 06:41 PM
Here is what it says:

Colombia, February 2008

Mr President Chavez

On behalf of the people of Colombia, not the government or any governmental entity, we would like to give you the most sincere thanks for their offices as a mediator in the release of two kidnapped Clara Rojas and Consuelo Gonzalez.

They are all well known for their recent actions and statements, the great humanitarian reasons that have motivated him to be the big broker in the conflict affecting our beautiful Colombia for so many years.

Therefore, we are all sure that you, President Chavez is able to secure the release of the remaining 698 hostages by the FARC.

In return for this, President Chavez, and on behalf of the vast majority of Colombians, I extend a hand with our best wishes to you and a list of gifts.

We FARC and the ELN, all for you. Not us deserve our selfishness ago that we reject these people as humanitarian, llévenselas you and enjoy it.

We give you all that this drug in the territories where they are hiding the FARC, do as it pleases with it. Regálensela to young Europeans who constantly make collections to help the guerrillas, I think they deserve it.

We give you all mines bankruptcy legs that have put the FARC on our land, we give the donkeys-bombs, we cylinders with explosives which have been destroyed humble people.

We give you all that hate Colombia, we give Piedad Cordoba, use it at will, desfrútela.

We give you all the violent criminals, corrupt politicians.

We give you the transitional government that Piedad Cordoba promised to Simon Trinidad.

Give it to Simon Trinidad, when he fulfills his sentence in the United States, it can also lead.

We give you the terrorism that plagues our nation, cójaselo for you. When it is, call it whatever you want "belligerence", "humanism", "altruism", "Bolivarian project".

We give you the paramilitaries, sad consequence of actions "humanitarian" of the guerrillas.

We give you our tears, our fears, our fears, our dreams, our pain, our most dire memories.

We give you all this, the president, if enjoy it and share it with all who applauded, with all those who encouraged his Bolivarian project.

Please do not return it, is all yours. What we are wholeheartedly.


A Colombian more.


10-07-2008, 08:21 PM
Hahaha... these people are pretty much nuts.

10-09-2008, 12:53 AM
I just get Viagra emails......:(

10-09-2008, 07:36 AM
I just get Viagra emails......:(

I used to get tons of those and they would have the greatest fake names, but lately I've just been getting fake emails from colleges and all they are is random crap.

10-09-2008, 09:11 AM
I just get Viagra emails......:(

I used to get a lot of those and enlargement emails, but now, I get a lot trying to sell me replica handbags and watches, and Japanese adult content.

I was also getting those emails that would try to get me to pay for somebody to come over from russa to date. What a scam.

Crazy Buddhist
10-09-2008, 01:06 PM
I use gmail and 99.9% of spam I never see.

/me Takes quick look at spam folder.

Yup. 201 spam messages filtered today, not one in my inbox and not one real email in the spam box. Gmail rocks. And no, I don't care if Google have piles of information on me, there are much worse people with access to more than them.


EDIT: ps 6335 spam messages filtered in the last 30 days. About 10 made it to my inbox.

10-14-2008, 05:53 PM
for me, 1629 in the last 30 days. none of them made it.

10-14-2008, 06:05 PM
I always get emails titled "Youtube video, find out why over a million other people watched this google earth clip"

10-16-2008, 02:58 PM
i just get the mormal crap, pills, dates, bank scams, but like CB,

my google mail filter catches all of it,

very rare it is for me to go looking in spam for a lost message, BTW current messages are:


i never delete anything in my inbox, why bother when i ahev about 8GB to use, and i've only used 2% with all that! spam gets deleted automaticly every 30 days

10-16-2008, 03:10 PM
I think I may have gotten 1 spam in my inbox in the past 3 months. G-mail rocks. Most of the spam I get is for a mortgage or Viagra or unclaimed money.

10-16-2008, 03:17 PM
I never get spam. I'm not sure why. Though i did recently start recieving a small number of messages in my University email. I don't know how that started. But other than that I might get a handful of spam messages in my Gmail within a months time.

Maybe I'm just not "out there" enough for my email to circulate? I don't know how you guys manage to get hundreds in one day.

10-16-2008, 03:32 PM
i have had my account since the day gmail started beta testing, also i forwarded all my mail from my old account to my gmail one so it just followed me basicly

10-18-2008, 07:51 AM
And no, I don't care if Google have piles of information on me, there are much worse people with access to more than them.

I think you underestimate just how much information google actually has access to. Consider the tools they provide, and consider the useful information that they could take from it. Hell, google want you make 3D models of your house and upload them to google earth. And people do. All the time.

That said, I have google mail too. ;)


10-18-2008, 09:04 AM
Read this site about baiting scammers such as these, it's very funny:

http://baita.mugu.co.uk/ (The Angelina Jolie one comes highly reccomended)

Then there's 419 eater (http://www.419eater.com/html/letters.htm). Some of the baiting is hilarious.

10-18-2008, 09:08 AM
i have had my ac**** since ...

Erm... interesting typo... :rolleyes:

OTSO spam, for a while I was receiving stuff with weird titles. 'Paris Hilton gives birth to alien twins' and stuff like that. Most bizarre.

10-18-2008, 02:42 PM
GMail has the best spam filter. I have around 5000 emails (atm) and not a single one (out of the spam folder) is spam.

10-18-2008, 08:33 PM
I got that picture of britney spears delivered to my spam folder before.