View Full Version : Oink, Oink!

05-01-2009, 08:18 PM
I'm sick. It's weird because for the past 5+ years I only get sick 1 week a year and for those past 5+ years it has always been the first week in December.

I am not jumping to conclusions but this is starting to feel like the flu. I have a Dr. appointment for 8am tomorrow and will find out then. Chances are I am just getting a cold or something because I have had minimal contact with people for the last week. Business has been slow, my assistant is on vacation, and I have been spending a lot of time at home working on my website redesign.

If I do get the dreaded piggy flu, N1h1, Mexican black plague or what ever cnn is calling it these days, I am sure that I will be perfectly fine. My immune system is strong and the flu never last longer than 3-4 days for me. What sucks is that I was supposed to go take some photos of my new nephew tomorrow for his 1 month birthday sort of. I am going to make him a baby book with a photo from each month for his first 2-3 years. Oh well I guess a few days will not hurt.

05-01-2009, 08:35 PM
I believe the correct technical term is, "Bacon Lung".

Chances are you don't have it. Its pretty highly unlikely. But I guess we'll find out soon enough.

In the mean time, enjoy this motivational poster brought to you by THHGTTG.


I need to print that out and post it on my wall. lol

05-01-2009, 09:15 PM
If I do get the dreaded piggy flu, N1h1, Mexican black plague or what ever cnn is calling it these days...

Could always call it Spanish Flu II, or maybe Spanish Flu 2.0 :D, since H1N1 was what caused the original 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, though this is a slightly different H1N1 so the moniker fits I guess.

05-04-2009, 09:31 AM
Went to the Dr. Saturday morning even though I was feeling 190% better (charges $40 for canceled appointments) and he gave me a checkup. He thinks I had a mild case of food poisoning that was making me feel bad the previous day. (ate some Chinese at a local buffet Friday for lunch) He gave me a clean bill of health and a $65 bill.