View Full Version : Review: Thermaltake SpinQ by blueonblack

07-13-2009, 07:37 AM
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Review: Thermaltake SpinQ by blueonblack


I’m like most of us here in that I want the things I own (not just my computer) to be my own. Personalized. Unique. Mine. I know my style better than anyone and I know what I like. I try to keep my eye open for things that are different, in appearance, effect, method, or any combination thereof. As far as my system goes, I haven’t delved into the realm of water cooling yet (though I hope to soon), but I have tried a lot of air-cooling solutions for various things. CPU coolers in particular seem to come in many shapes and sizes (though lately the common size has been BIG), many of which are nothing more than a gimmick to sell the product to the unwary.