View Full Version : First Impression: OSX Snow Leopard

09-09-2009, 01:23 PM
I just upgraded to OSX Snow Leopard on my 13" aluminum MacBook. My Mac leapt to life. :D

First off, the gamma was changed a little to give a better color that people were wanting. It freed up around 10 gigabytes on my hard drive. The core is excellent as well. Programs just open. About 1/2 second to open Safari 4. I'll post more when I'm done thoroughly looking through it.

09-09-2009, 02:00 PM
me thinks these new speed upgrades are finally comming to mac, they've only been around on BSD for the past year or so?

i find it wierd that MAC OSX is built upon BSD and yet there soo slow in implimenting updates which are certified to work, and stable by not only BSD, but the clients who use BSD for there servers and web servers, and other distros that hop on the back on BSD.

09-09-2009, 05:12 PM
Alright. I'm having an Applegasm.

Everything is so insanely snappy. Full 64-bit, OpenCL, and GCD push programs faster than I've ever seen run on any operating system thus far. Just installed iTunes 9 (if anyone has been watching the revealing of iTunes 9 and the new iPods. If not, check out engadget) and have everything updated. Nothing is buggy so far.

09-09-2009, 09:00 PM
Sig-quoted. That's priceless...

09-10-2009, 01:23 PM
Heheh, nice. I like what they did with the price this time around too; and dropping all those PPC libraries sure clears up a nice bit of disc space.

09-11-2009, 11:17 PM
Sig-quoted. That's priceless...


Anyway, things are still running smoothly. Everything opens and functions as normal that I can see and think of. Many of the little intricacies of the operating system have been re-worked into a more subtle and simple look. Connections to the internet seem more reliable, and iChat video connections support full 640x480 video. Exchange works (although it doesn't really help me all that much. our school uses an IMAP server for mail and all that.). Wake-up from sleep is extremely quick (about 1/2 second). I'm starting to like the gamma change as well. Colors seem to "pop" a little more.