View Full Version : Finally a new VelociRaptor! ...but is it worth it?

04-09-2010, 05:09 PM
So WD finally decided to release an updated VelociRaptor line!

600GB capacity
3x 200GB platters
6Gbps SATA
MSRP: $280

Also available in a 450GB capacity, but I'm not sure what the platter situation is for those.

Hot Hardware review (http://hothardware.com/Articles/WD-VelociRaptor-600GB-Fastest-HD-Ever/?page=1)

Newegg product page (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136555&cm_sp=ProductSpotlight-_-22-136-555-_-04092010)

Basically, it's really fast. But is it $0.55/GB fast? I'm not so sure, myself. I would really like to see this thing compared to a Samsung F3 1TB. ;)

Whoops, spoke too soon. ;) Here's a review by Tom's Hardware comparing it to a much wider range of HDDs, including the 1TB F3.

04-09-2010, 05:45 PM
Isn't it sad that I saw your subject line and my first thought was "oooh....Jurassic Park again?"
hmm....I remember when HD's cost a whole lot more than $0.55 per gig....

Drum Thumper
04-09-2010, 06:00 PM
Isn't it sad that I saw your subject line and my first thought was "oooh....Jurassic Park again?"
hmm....I remember when HD's cost a whole lot more than $0.55 per gig....

+1 to that. I remember when 128 megs of RAM was cutting edge as well. And very pricey to boot.

I had a pair of raptors once upon a time. And they were well worth the cost/gb ratio at the time.

04-09-2010, 06:11 PM
+1 to that. I remember when 128 megs of RAM was cutting edge as well. And very pricey to boot.

I had a pair of raptors once upon a time. And they were well worth the cost/gb ratio at the time.

lol, I think I still have 3 of my first 3.5" hdd's at a WHOPPING 250 mb each! Those drives were around $300ea... (I got them free because they were sitting in a storage closet at a place I worked) Then there is my first HD that was 10mb and a full height 5.25". It would not even fit in my PC case so I had to cut a hole in the top to run the cable through. Damn thing was too noisy to run 24x7. That cost almost $250...

As to the velociraptors, my company was offered a set for eval, but we don't have any systems in house capable of testing them to the full potential. (ie 6gb sata)

04-09-2010, 06:22 PM
Granted $0.55/GB would have been unthinkable 10-20 years ago, but now when we have drives dropping as low as $0.06/GB, you'd better be offering a big performance boost for that increased cost.

As to the velociraptors, my company was offered a set for eval, but we don't have any systems in house capable of testing them to the full potential. (ie 6gb sata)

Dirty little secret...no platter HDDs can even saturate a 1.5Gbps SATA connection yet. ;) (Granted, there are other changes other than the max throughput, but still.)

On a side note, I was in Micro Center the other day and noticed that SIIG is selling 6Gbps SATA PCI cards. :? ...anyone else find that more than a little disingenuous?

04-09-2010, 06:23 PM
I could probably get us an eval unit. You guys want to see some benchmarks here on TBCS?

04-09-2010, 06:27 PM
Yes please.

04-09-2010, 06:55 PM
I just requested an eval unit. Keep your eyes out for a review on the front page.

04-09-2010, 07:10 PM
front page? And here I thought your voting poll was a joke... :P (j/k of course....)

04-09-2010, 08:31 PM
I like that. I'm not sure if the cost is justified vs something like raid 5. You can get higher speed with more Gb/$. I do like it though.

04-11-2010, 02:36 PM
hmm....I remember when HD's cost a whole lot more than $0.55 per gig....

Back in the day, my dad's company used to buy used hard drives at £1 per MB. Wholesale.

I have a 150GB velociraptor and I've almost filled it up, but everything I use amounts to about that much. My days *ahem* pillaging on the high seas *ahem* are pretty much over

04-11-2010, 02:48 PM
I remember when 128 megs of RAM was cutting edge as well. And very pricey to boot.

I can recall drooling over the Commodore 128. :D A whole 128K of memory! Holy crap, what would I DO with it all??

On topic, I can't see coming close to being cost effective. I've got a Samsung F3 that I got for .09/GB. Five times that for this? No thanks.

04-13-2010, 07:21 PM
I know velociraptors are fast, but they are way too loud

Drum Thumper
04-14-2010, 01:21 AM
I can recall drooling over the Commodore 128. :D A whole 128K of memory! Holy crap, what would I DO with it all??

On topic, I can't see coming close to being cost effective. I've got a Samsung F3 that I got for .09/GB. Five times that for this? No thanks.

Heh. How could I forget the Commodore?

I cut my teeth on an Apple IIe.