View Full Version : iPad competition: The WePad

04-13-2010, 01:36 PM
See the WePad (http://wepad.mobi/en/index). iPad with Linux

04-18-2010, 10:51 AM
A open source competitor to the iPad: Win!

Forget about all the hardware/OS complaints people have with the iPad (no USB or multitasking, etc) that isn't why I don't like it. I despise iTunes as a content delivery system. Poor quality, closed source software that I personally think is overpriced. Forget the price of an iPhone or iPad most people can and will easily spend $100+ on software for it, and much of this is software that preforms functions that can be obtained for free or is bundled with most modern operating systems. Oh, say like a calculator. (http://www.tipb.com/2010/04/02/stocks-weather-voice-memos-clock-calculator-compass-ipad-app-store-rescue/) Instead you have to shell out your money to the Apps Store. We of course should all realize that Apple gets a cut from each app sold, which is reason enough for them not to include basic apps.

I am a bit worried about the WePad living up to the hype. I really hope it does and the popular public can be swayed to buy them.

04-19-2010, 08:50 AM
I was just curious to who actually builds them and the level of craftsmanship.

04-19-2010, 09:11 AM
sexy technology! Looks like a sweet OS. I'd buy that for a dollar!

04-19-2010, 03:03 PM
I was just curious to who actually builds them and the level of craftsmanship.
Well from what I can find out they are going to be built in China, but the folks at WePad are not reporting the actually company making them.

05-05-2010, 01:09 AM
Is that a hoax or a real thing. That's strange i haven't heard of it before. What OS is it running of Lin.. then does it really worth to buy what's price coming with build in cam or usb drive. I couldn't find more information on it.