View Full Version : 0 friends.

06-24-2010, 04:08 AM
Maybe it's the alcohol talking but I've been noticed I have 0 friends.

I used to be one of the popular kids back in HS. I'd get TONS of hand shakes and all of the what's ups everywhere I went but after HS everyone went their own ways. I was left with 10 friends or so that I hung out with on a regular basis. 6 of them got heavy into drinking and drugs so I wrote them off. So I was left with 3-4 others. One had a kid so we grew apart quickly. I see him maybe a couple of times a year. Another started hanging out with another crowd that's into drinking every. single. night. so I rarely see him. Another dropped a bunch of weight (200lbs) and now thinks he's a pimp so he's chasing women when he's not working or at the gym.
In bootcamp I was also popular. Recruits would come to my rack at lights out to hang out and shoot the ****. I got injured and in MRP it was exaggerated. Instead of 3-5 recruits coming over, it'd be 20-30 recruits. We'd catch hell and the DI's would constantly move racks because there were tons of recruits by my rack.

I'm not saying I'm the coolest guy around, I guess I'm just saying it effin' blows to have no friends when you're used to having tons.

Its pretty depressing.

06-24-2010, 04:16 AM
When I was in High School I had x10 as many friends as I do now. How many true friends do I have now? Just one. Although I've met someone who I'm hopeful will become another true friend.

Part of it for me is that I've become... picky, I guess. Another part is just that people grow apart, either emotionally or physically. I think it's natural to some degree, but I think it's just especially true for nerds/geeks. A lot of us have always been outsiders, so without being forced into social environments such as school, we sort of just get into our own swing of things. It really depends on your lifestyle, too.

What I like to do, is to search people on Myspace or FaceBook and just start talking to those who spark my interest. It's really a great way to make new friends, actually. or go to bars or something, if that's your thing. Perhaps throw a party and have co-workers and their friends come, etc.

Edit: Although you're probably not in a situation where you're able to do any of that, are you? lol My friend who is a Medial Officer is kind of going through the same thing. He has his bunk buddies, but he still misses everyone back home and he hates being so... isolated from people. Old people, new people, just all people.

06-24-2010, 04:33 AM
Picky would be a good way to word it for me too. I find I don't like a lot of my friend's friends so I tend to ignore that group and it's proven to push me aside. It just seems like all 20-25 year olds in San Diego are into drugs.

I can't throw parties since I still like at home and the parties they throw are full of druggies or just alcoholics that can't handle their booze and end up flirting with my gf or just being douche bags. That will end a party early for sure and the last time it happened they were lucky I was in the dep program and couldn't get in trouble or it would have delayed me going to bootcamp.

Currently unemployed which I feel may be a big part of the 0 friends thing. I'm at home 80% of the time or out with my gf and rarely, out with some friends when we all can find a day that works for us.

I've also noticed you lose a LOT of friends when you have a gf. I don't regret having one but I know I've lost a lot of friends because of it over the last 3.5 years.

Maybe I just need to go back to school then get back into the military. Maybe I'll get a degree and go into the Marine Corps as an officer or something.


EDIT: I should note it's not just weed. I can deal with that but when people bust out coke, shrooms, E, a pharmacy of pills and start chugging bottles of cough syrup I want nothing to do with them.

06-24-2010, 04:46 AM
Going back to school is a generally good idea all around. -_^

Perhaps you also just need to move away? It sounds like you're in kind of a stink hole. I wouldn't recommend Northern Idaho, though. It's too damn cold and too damn over-cast all the time. Depressing. :p

That... or you could start playing.. WORLD OF WARCRAFT. No no, I take it back! I didn't mean it! We'll never hear from you again! lol

06-24-2010, 04:56 AM
Ya, I've been wanting out of retarded state for a while now.

And virtual friends just wont do. Though I do love everyone at TBCS. :P

06-24-2010, 08:29 AM
You know, all this time, and I never knew you were in the Corps. Semper Fidelis!

06-24-2010, 09:19 AM
I'll be your friend buddy ol chum

06-24-2010, 01:25 PM
Idk, I had a fair number of friends in HS, and a few good friends in college, but ever since then, idk, I guess I just never really learned how to meet new people? It really hit home for me a few weeks back when for a background check for work they needed 2 people who know me who have been to my apartment...where I've lived for almost a year now...and I couldn't find anyone. One guy from work who helped my move in, but that's it. Everyone keeps saying "Oh, you should go hang out at bars! You'll meet lots of people there!", but I guess I'm also pretty picky. :P I feel like most of the people who hang out at bars a lot aren't really people I would want to be friends with (no offense to anyone here who hangs out at bars a lot).

A lot of us have always been outsiders, so without being forced into social environments such as school, we sort of just get into our own swing of things. It really depends on your lifestyle, too.

I think this is a lot of it. We get used to not really hanging out with anyone, and just accept it. It doesn't mean it doesn't suck sometimes, but...idk.

06-24-2010, 06:40 PM
don't worry your not alone, i have 5 core friends, other then that i just know people.

i knew just about everyone in highschool, but that's all it was. i never went out with any of them or anything like that.

06-24-2010, 07:11 PM
I think this is a true theme through-out life. Look at Steve Jobs, yes he's very successful and well known, but even he admits to have only a few true friends. One of which is the Vice President of Industrial Design at Apple.

Rich, Poor, happy, sad, North America, Europe, I think people just generally have fewer friends as they grow older.

06-24-2010, 07:50 PM
personally I think it's a product of our changing environments as we get older - in school we're younger, more inclined to just hang out and have fun. After school, we're working, have more responsibilities, and we're not in nearly as big a social circle anymore. It's much harder to meet new people once out of school. You might meet some coworkers you'll hang out with, but even the coworkers i've really liked, I'm not usually that interested in seeing them outside of work since I see them every day.
so I personally don't think it's really anti-social, it's just harder when not in a school setting. Of course, becoming a parent gets you back into a bigger social circle since so many activities revolve around the kids.

For me, nearly all my close friends live back up in northern CA, and I'm in southern. I've never really met anyone down here, nor have I made a lot of effort in that regard. I'm ok with it though, when it comes time to move back north, it'll be that much easier.

06-24-2010, 08:08 PM
You move back north, and we should get a LAN together :up:

06-24-2010, 09:15 PM
You know, all this time, and I never knew you were in the Corps. Semper Fidelis!

I'm not. I was medically discharged in boot for blowing out my knee. Spent 15 weeks in boot only to have to go back and do it all again in the near future. :(

06-24-2010, 09:54 PM
im only 17 but i have no friends. i have a girlfriend. i go to cyber school and plus alot of kids around here are into heavy heavy drugs.

06-24-2010, 11:31 PM
i dont have many friends... i think i have 3 if you count the one im dating. one is 4 hours away and we just talk alot, and the other is my roommate... other than that noone i can count on. dont worry about it...

06-25-2010, 09:10 AM
I have one person that I met at work that I would tenuously call an actual friend...
I have my wife, who is my best friend.
Other than that, yeah, I'm right there with ya.
Buut, look at it this way. The more people you let in close to you, the more people there are that have the chance to hurt you.

06-25-2010, 10:47 PM
I had more friends back in high school, too. There are a few I still hang out with now, but most have drifted off. I don't think wanting to avoid drinking and drugs makes you picky. There are several people I quit spending any time with because they were always high, drunk, or both. I'd rather have a few close friends to watch movies or play games with than a bunch a friends who think they need drugs and alcohol to have a good time.

06-26-2010, 02:01 AM
In highschool I probably had about 15 or so friends. I almost never hung out with them outside of school, until towards the end of grade 12. Now I see most only maybe once a year.

Two of them went to the same university as me, but one later got into drugs (adderall... how lame) for non studying reasons, which has pretty much set him back a year. He's my house mate at school, and I haven't talked to him since January (very awkward).

Other than that, I only really talk to my other housemate and the other guy from my highschool.

On the university DC++ server I talk to all the regulars though, and we meet every once in a while (they count too right? heh).

Mostly though, ya, I hardly have any IRL friends. At least I know I'm not alone ;).

06-26-2010, 07:31 AM
A few really good friends are better than a lot of morons.

I have very, very few friends. In fact, the ones who I regularly see or speak to more than once every few months to years I can count on one hand without needing all my fingers. But, it's quality, not quantity that counts.