View Full Version : really......

07-19-2010, 03:55 PM
sorry for this mini rant but its getting out of hand.

me and my girl went to go see that twilight movie. the fight scenes are ok. but we was watching it and the vampire people were fighting some other vampire people then the wolf guy dude who the one girl likes get crushed or something. well that happen then out of no where i hear screaming and crying in the theater so i turned around and there was a huge group of girls crying and screaming about it, because they seriously thought he was going to die.

do we really live ina society where people will cry over a fictional character:mad: but wont lift a finger to help an old lady do something.

07-19-2010, 03:57 PM
creepy huh?

07-19-2010, 04:07 PM
Unfortunately that is the case more often than not. Look at whats on TV anymore "reality" shows. My wife read the books and whatched the 1st movie but agrees that it's out of hand. Most of the blame is on the parents and the way kids are raised, we've become a ME ME ME society.

07-19-2010, 04:50 PM
Sparkling Vampires. ...nuf said... :facepalm:

07-19-2010, 05:07 PM
They can't read either. I have to admit I have read all the books and at least been able to watch the first 10 minutes of the first movie before I pass out.

07-19-2010, 06:07 PM
do we really live ina society where people will cry over a fictional character:mad: but wont lift a finger to help an old lady do something.

Even though this was obviously a rhetorical question....

Yes. We do.

07-19-2010, 11:44 PM

This says everything... Wow... such... fail.... omg... And when people compare this Sh*t to harry potter it just pisses me off...

07-20-2010, 12:43 AM
And when people compare this Sh*t to harry potter it just pisses me off...

They're both equally terrible in my opinion. I remember being pissed off all the way back in 4th grade when everyone I knew first jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon.

07-20-2010, 01:06 AM
They're both equally terrible in my opinion. I remember being pissed off all the way back in 4th grade when everyone I knew first jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon.

Lol... I dislike the franchising, but the books are really well written, and at least have a moral to them... But i was against them for the longest time...

07-20-2010, 02:34 AM

I wish I would have lived my life without knowing about that site. lol.

07-20-2010, 03:06 AM

Found that thread rather hilarious, especially when one says "Im pretty sure you're all to stupid to know history"

07-20-2010, 03:38 AM
wow and this is why every generation after me is going to fail so hard. but unfortunately most kids my age are equally stupid

07-20-2010, 10:20 AM
wow and this is why every generation after me is going to fail so hard. but unfortunately most kids my age are equally stupid
Most Americans are stupid...it isn't cool to be a geek! Everyone wants to be cool, therefore, they don't value an education. Everyone gets bored and needs entertainment, so why not watch the latest shallow, physics-bastardizing, explosion-fest that Hollywood has released in order to prevent having any thoughts!? Sparkling vampires? FREAKING SWEET! Self-absorbed, shallow, materialistic characters? We completely identify with them! They're the coolest!
It gets worse with each generation. Idiocracy is going to be looked back on as a fairly accurate prediction in 50 years...but only by those with the mental capacity to do so.

To the rest of the world: It's too late for us, America could use a good carpet bombing!:dead:

07-20-2010, 10:28 AM
Most Americans are stupid...it isn't cool to be a geek! Everyone wants to be cool, therefore, they don't value an education. Everyone gets bored and needs entertainment, so why not watch the latest shallow, physics-bastardizing, explosion-fest that Hollywood has released in order to prevent having any thoughts!? Sparkling vampires? FREAKING SWEET! Self-absorbed, shallow, materialistic characters? We completely identify with them! They're the coolest!
It gets worse with each generation. Idiocracy is going to be looked back on as a fairly accurate prediction in 50 years...but only by those with the mental capacity to do so.

To the rest of the world: It's too late for us, America could use a good carpet bombing!:dead:

Must.......resist......temptation........nope can't do it.

While I appreciate your candor concerning Hollywood's fascination with stupid things, I don't appreciate the utter disregard for my country. Besides the fact, Im pretty sure this is not the place to have a country bashing session. I believe the original post was pointed directly at the rediculous fanatacism of teenagers(which btw started with a british band called the Beatles). And I think what is making me really want to defend, is the very last sentence. Carpet bomb really? Not cool, not cool at all.

07-20-2010, 10:59 AM
Must.......resist......temptation........nope can't do it.

While I appreciate your candor concerning Hollywood's fascination with stupid things, I don't appreciate the utter disregard for my country. Besides the fact, Im pretty sure this is not the place to have a country bashing session. I believe the original post was pointed directly at the rediculous fanatacism of teenagers(which btw started with a british band called the Beatles). And I think what is making me really want to defend, is the very last sentence. Carpet bomb really? Not cool, not cool at all.

It's my country too. I care for it's future. I'd rather not see the entire country brought to it's knees because the next generation was too busy idolizing vampires on the TV screen to educate themselves...there won't be enough McJobs to go around...

07-20-2010, 12:48 PM
It's my country too. I care for it's future. I'd rather not see the entire country brought to it's knees because the next generation was too busy idolizing vampires on the TV screen to educate themselves...there won't be enough McJobs to go around...
That's what out sourcing is for!

07-20-2010, 01:19 PM
That's what out sourcing is for!

Haha! Whether we like it or not.:facepalm:

07-20-2010, 01:34 PM
lol i didn't expect this mini rant to turn into a full on debate like this lol

07-20-2010, 01:49 PM
lol i didn't expect this mini rant to turn into a full on debate like this lol
It's more fun this way.:)

07-23-2010, 06:36 PM
I believe the original post was pointed directly at the rediculous fanatacism of teenagers(which btw started with a british band called the Beatles).

Started long before then, and isn't restricted to teenagers. What about Sherlock Holmes, or Jane Austin? Even then, this is only commercial fanaticism. What about sporting fanaticism? We can go back to the invention of the Olympics, or the Coliseum. Religious fanaticism anyone? Fanaticism has been around for a long time, and it hasn't killed us off quite yet.


07-23-2010, 07:10 PM
Fanaticism has been around for a long time, and it hasn't killed us off quite yet.

Not yet, but as it is amplified by modern technology such as television and social-media, the process is beginning. Maybe it won't end our individual lives, but it will end our collective intelligence.

07-23-2010, 07:14 PM


07-24-2010, 07:20 PM
Started long before then, and isn't restricted to teenagers. What about Sherlock Holmes, or Jane Austin? Even then, this is only commercial fanaticism. What about sporting fanaticism? We can go back to the invention of the Olympics, or the Coliseum. Religious fanaticism anyone? Fanaticism has been around for a long time, and it hasn't killed us off quite yet.


That may be true, but TOO much glitter can make it hard to breathe.

07-25-2010, 04:39 PM
[drunk post]

Well every time i've seen a car accident it seems i'm the only person willing to jump out of the car and try to lend a hand toward the people who need it.

I mean if i'm trapped in a car after a accident, i'd sure want someone to be there with me while EMSA or the fire department come. I only know basic first aid and CPR certified, but jesus man... i can't believe the people that see a car accident and take a right hand turn around the corner. So i'll be there whenever the time comes to shut the car off, check the kids in the back seat, or just sit by there side while the real helpers come.

lol helped a guy flip his truck back over once, guess he caught the lip of a curb on a offramp and rolled his truck onto the side, guy was fine but needed a rope to flip it back over to its side.

amazing part? none of the damn windows were broken, scratched all to hell and the drivers mirror was completely MIA but none of the windows were broken, you'd think they would of shattered doing that.

And a 2003 toyota echo can yank a truck back on its wheels if you put it in L gear.