View Full Version : Flower Power

04-07-2006, 03:20 PM
Hello Everyone, err sorry, wrong forum. Can it be moved?

I'm new to mod forums in general, and acrylic case building for certain. I've browsed alot of your mods and was fairly impressed. I'm going to throw something out there that you are probably not used to seeing. My daughters old computer case was falling apart so I decided to jump head first into case building (does that fall under modding?) Welcome to a 12 years old girls dream...flower power.

Disclaimer: if flowers make you angry go no further.

Like I said I'm new to acrylics, so there is a huge learning curve here, such as "hot pink" aka neon red, is acually orangish, painting acrylic is hard, and propane makes skinny parts warp. Other wise I did pretty good and only wasted about 2 square feet in mistakes. Also to note, dripped acrylic glue does not wipe off. Well at any rate, here is a link to my still ongoing worklog. Tell me what you think.


04-07-2006, 04:41 PM
its definately unik :)

04-07-2006, 06:22 PM
That's pretty unique! Perhaps a way to get girls into modding? As far as i know, there's only 1 gal on these boards, and she hasn't been around for a while...


04-07-2006, 06:54 PM
That's awesome, like the hippy van of case modding.

04-07-2006, 08:47 PM
Wow, my daughter would love that... It's very Fairytopia, isn't it?

04-08-2006, 11:51 AM
i wouldn't say i like it, coz its girly an all, but my sister LOVES it.

Good work man.

04-08-2006, 01:44 PM
Great work, it's pretty nice acrylic work for someone who claims to be a beginner, I compliment you on the quick learning and job well done.

04-08-2006, 02:36 PM
Great work, it's pretty nice acrylic work for someone who claims to be a beginner, I compliment you on the quick learning and job well done.

Thank you. I appreciate the compliment. I'm not sure about how quick I grabbed on. I must of spend 4 hours a night for 2 weeks studying acrylic help sites on the web before I started. I thank my wife for putting up with it. It has alot of sloopy mistakes on it I don't care to point out :p but over all I'm happy with it. My next build should be much much better. yup i'm not done with this one and thinking of the next one. I was considering a pirate theme and the case would be a acrylic treasure chest...still debating.

04-08-2006, 02:39 PM
Thank you. I appreciate the compliment. I'm not sure about how quick I grabbed on. I must of spend 4 hours a night for 2 weeks studying acrylic help sites on the web before I started. I thank my wife for putting up with it. It has alot of sloopy mistakes on it I don't care to point out :p but over all I'm happy with it. My next build should be much much better. yup i'm not done with this one and thinking of the next one. I was considering a pirate theme and the case would be a acrylic treasure chest...still debating.

Lol, I did the same before starting my first acrylic case. The treasure chest idea sounds cool! Whatever you do, why not put up a worklog here on TBCS? I'm sure everyone here would love to see your work and progression.

04-09-2006, 11:36 AM
Project finito! Check it out. This is not her monitor, keyboard, or mouse. She has all that at her mom's house as well as some JBL creature speakers which not only look cool but sound awesome for their size. These are my el chepo spare parts.


Maybe I should of added to my disclaimer...if messy cable management makes you angry...at any rate its not messy at all. Every vine is placed in such a way that pleased me. Much like pruning a rose vine. I hope you enjoy but mainly I hope she enjoys!

04-09-2006, 09:39 PM
(not wishing to pry...) At her mom's house. Does this mean Heather hasn't seen it yet? We need to see her face when it's unveiled!

BTW, my daughter saw the picture and asked if I could buy her one like that.

Those cable vines are perfect. A unique solution to a common problem. If you can't hide them, decorate them!

Love it.

04-09-2006, 11:36 PM
Thanks for the high praise. No she hasn't seen it exactly. She was helping me at first during spring break so she has seen the box, and she drew all the flowers on plexi for me to cut, but thats as far as I got before she had to leave. I try to incorperate her into what I do as much as possible, and since she likes to draw I thought it would be nice to let her help design it. She of course has access to these pictures so she has seen those but I have to tell you, pictures lack. As for buying her your daughter one, that may acually be possible. I'm working on getting the cubes laser cut for resale, in various sizes, and shapes.


04-10-2006, 10:57 PM
Lol, I did the same before starting my first acrylic case. The treasure chest idea sounds cool! Whatever you do, why not put up a worklog here on TBCS? I'm sure everyone here would love to see your work and progression.

hmm how about a treasure chest with hidden ship cannon port hole that open and real cannons inside that fire? Yes fire .38 caliper...
How cool is that.


04-11-2006, 12:02 AM
OMG, If you fire a .38 mounted in your PC your drives had better be parked and SERIOUSLY shock mounted.

I can just see it now:
The police arrive.. "gun?... what gun?... oh that's just my computer... it always smells like that... oh don't pull that, its kinda touchy..."

04-11-2006, 06:36 AM
Yeah, especially if it were my (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:IPSCshooter.jpg) .38...

(yep, that's me...)

04-11-2006, 05:03 PM
Thats some serious cannonage you got there! Very sweet. Ya think i'll stick to plastic cannons and red led's inside them. However your picture gave me a sweet idea for a computer gun with a mounted laser scope. :p I can get a speech synth chip and a motion sensor to say "Go ahead punk, make my day!" whenever you put your hand near it. Ya, a fan grill that extends out about 6", looking like a huge ass barrel pointed at you. Hmmm gotta write that down somewhere.

04-11-2006, 06:34 PM
Nice watch, xmastree...why not pawn it and get a workbench, you know, get out the larder? :P

Nah, i'm messing with ya. :D


04-14-2006, 11:32 AM
Lol, Cannonage. Thats good.:D