View Full Version : Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

02-22-2011, 05:05 AM
AWESOME MOVIE. Especially when you're crazy sleep deprived. Anyone else seen it? What did you think?

02-22-2011, 05:31 AM
It's awsome, one of the best movies Ive ever seen

02-22-2011, 06:07 AM
Definitely a unique movie

02-22-2011, 07:23 AM
I think I gave up on it part way thru lol - might give it another shot tho

02-22-2011, 11:00 AM
ehh i thought it was a ok movie. Micheal cera just seems like he gets younger and younger in the movies.

02-22-2011, 01:16 PM
it rocked the casbah!!!

the creativity that went into it was awesome. it was a little reminiscent of "from dusk till dawn" in that it goes along as basically your run of the mil teen love story until the first ex shows up in a spectacular fassion. everything was just wicked and extremely entertaining after that.

reminds me, i need to see it again now.

02-22-2011, 05:08 PM
I'm not sure if I can think of a more original movie than this one.

02-22-2011, 06:51 PM
I saw it on a plane flight in a very sleep deprived state. I also enjoyed it as well.
I loved the style with the video game style fight scenes and also the band. Very original.

Michael Cera is such a goof he really makes it. The bit with the vegan police was pretty good.

02-22-2011, 07:44 PM
Not the best movie I've ever seen, but it was definitely very good. ..also, the booze helped.. :whistler: But seriously, it is very good. Just enough off-the-wall plot twists and random geek culture references that I'll forgive it's problems. I also liked that it didn't take itself seriously...at all. :D IMO that's a problem with a lot of comedy movies lately...we've forgotten how to just have fun.

02-22-2011, 08:18 PM
Depending on how big of an old school gaming geek you are, almost EVERYTHING is a gaming reference. Quite hilarious in my opinion, we picked it up when it came out on video.

02-22-2011, 08:31 PM
I'm not sure if I can think of a more original movie than this one.


02-23-2011, 12:18 AM
Michael Cera couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag...there's no evidence to the contrary.
Every movie he's had anything to do with, has sucked. Completely. I wish that were just my opinion instead of fact, but it is what it is. It's not entirely his fault, but his 'character' (because he's only ever played one) has never been a positive trait of any of his movies.
There, I said what needed to be said.

I can't fathom why, but a lot of people do like his movies. Perhaps you all can shine some light on this issue for me.

02-23-2011, 12:18 AM

Now Kick-Ass, that was an awesome movie. Even Nicolas Cage managed to do a good job...

02-23-2011, 12:29 AM
Now Kick-Ass, that was an awesome movie. Even Nicolas Cage managed to do a good job...

ill second that motion. one of the best comic to movies films ive seen in awhile.

02-23-2011, 12:36 AM
Michael Cera couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag...there's no evidence to the contrary.
Every movie he's had anything to do with, has sucked. Completely. I wish that were just my opinion instead of fact, but it is what it is. It's not entirely his fault, but his 'character' (because he's only ever played one) has never been a positive trait of any of his movies.
There, I said what needed to be said.

I can't fathom why, but a lot of people do like his movies. Perhaps you all can shine some light on this issue for me.

TBH I had to look him to see what his history was...or even who he was, for that matter. :P I'll grant you that he has a...shall we say, 'theatrically weak' history, and for that reason, I haven't seen most of the stuff he's been in, but from those that I have seen, I can tell you this is by far and away the best thing he has even been in. ...even if he is one of those 'problems' I mentioned that I had to forgive the movie as a whole for... If you haven't seen it yet, it's at least worth a try. If you have and you still feel that way about it, well, that's your prerogative.

02-23-2011, 12:52 AM
TBH I had to look him to see what his history was...or even who he was, for that matter. :P I'll grant you that he has a...shall we say, 'theatrically weak' history, and for that reason, I haven't seen most of the stuff he's been in, but from those that I have seen, I can tell you this is by far and away the best thing he has even been in. ...even if he is one of those 'problems' I mentioned that I had to forgive the movie as a whole for... If you haven't seen it yet, it's at least worth a try. If you have and you still feel that way about it, well, that's your prerogative.

I had only heard good things about this movie so I did give it a chance. It blew that chance in less than 25 minutes.:rolleyes: I'm usually pretty good about sitting through bad movies, but I had to leave the room for this one. That's par for 'Cera movies' though. I've watched parts but can't find a reason to finish any of them...it's hard when literally everything else in the world is higher priority.

02-23-2011, 03:25 AM
Michael Cera couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag...there's no evidence to the contrary.
Every movie he's had anything to do with, has sucked. Completely. I wish that were just my opinion instead of fact, but it is what it is. It's not entirely his fault, but his 'character' (because he's only ever played one) has never been a positive trait of any of his movies.
There, I said what needed to be said.

I can't fathom why, but a lot of people do like his movies. Perhaps you all can shine some light on this issue for me.

Okay, you want to talk actual facts, then let's put it this way.

He's become a very popular actor recently, right? Thats because people like him, which even you admit. Now that's an actual fact, not just an opinion, which is what you have. I mean really now, what authority do you have to say someone can or can't act? It's really all about opinion. There's no right or wrong, there's just popular opinion. And he is actually popular. People do seem to love him (He honestly does seem like a great guy in all the interviews I've seen of him) and enjoy his movies.

So obviously you're wrong. Have an opinion, but you can at least think intelligently about it. It's really just that you don't like him, for whatever reason. There's nothing wrong with that.

I think a lot of people like him because of his acting STYLE. He's not bad, he's just different. He's not versatile I'd say, like Johnny Depp for example. But that doesn't mean he can't act. He obviously can. Even if it's just him being himself (I wouldn't know, I don't know him personally), he's still doing everything other actors do. I could play "myself", but I would still suck horribly on screen, but that's not a fault of who I am, I do just fine in real life. So concerning his acting style, I'd say people like it because it's relatable. Bruce Willis isn't relatable, he's just cool to watch. Michael Cera is without a doubt relatable for many people. He reminds me so much of me and other people I knew or watched when I was in high school. That's why he always gets those types of roles. And I do think he's pretty funny. He's no Lewis CK, but he's still funny. Watching him on talk shows, the kid's definitely got some comedy wit in him, and that's all on the spot.

All of that said, the dude's pretty new. It's not like he's been around for very long at all. Don't judge him so quickly, unless you just simply don't like his acting style. But to say that there's no evidence to say otherwise, c'mon, duh? Probably because he's new.

I think he makes any and every movie he's in special in his own way. I think others could have played the parts just as well, but he does a perfectly fine job. It's really just about whether you like him or not. The real authority over whether some can act or not is simple popular opinion, and he definitely seems to have that.

It's like me and Transformers. I really don't like those movies at all. But that doesn't mean they're bad movies, I mean, I think they could certainly do better, but obviously they're good enough since they're pretty popular. It's not a fact that those movies are bad, it's just an opinion. Maybe people like rollercoaster action rides, I'm more of a pirates of the carribean or indiana jones ride kind of guy. (that's only going to make sense if you've been to disney land, btw. lol)

02-23-2011, 03:56 AM
Greatest Michael Cera movies/show in my opinion:
Arrested Development

He definitely has a unique acting style that can relate to a lot of younger people, but just like any actor, not everyone is going to like him.

02-23-2011, 04:33 AM
Kinda like Keanu Reeves. Great guy off set, and on set he can do one character type very well. When he's playing that character type, it works out brilliantly....when he's not...not so much. As a result he usually gets cast as that character type. :P

02-24-2011, 11:26 AM
I mean really now, what authority do you have to say someone can or can't act? It's really all about opinion.

No, I can provide unlimited sources and quotes right out of the dictionary!

From the dictionary:
1. michael cera
A term used to describe a general feeling that an actor is merely playing the same type of character previously seen in another production. Where it be a theater production, film, or television series.

The term came to prominence when audiences began to notice the acting of Canadian born Michael Cera. Beginning with his first large audience production "Arrested Development" and ending with "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" people began to notice that Michael Cera was merely playing a meek, level-headed, awkward, and bland normal character in every production.

Today the acting skills of Michael Cera is used to describe innumerable actors that cannot develop or play a varying repertoire of characters.

...[2-5 were not positive either, but I cut them out]

6. Michael Cera

A very poor actor who often preforms in a stilted and timid fashion.

Plays the role of the socially awkward teenages in nearly all his film roles.

His role in hipster culture has made him an idol of hate from many people.

He is working his way to becoming the new Mathew Broderick. As in an actor who is a former shell of themselves for relying on one or two cult films aimed at the youngish teen audience and then failing to find other roles out of comedy because they lack talent and whats worse, they're not actually funny.
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=michael cera

It's really just that you don't like him, for whatever reason. There's nothing wrong with that.
I haven't laughed or so much as been mildly entertained when trying to watch any of his movies. I don't like his movies at all. I've never met him in real life, so I can't say I don't like him. His character is incredibly annoying though, so if he's actually just being himself in his movies, yeah, I probably wouldn't like him.

I think a lot of people like him because of his acting STYLE. He's not bad, he's just different. He's not versatile...
Awkward, nerdy, whiny, not-as-clever-as-he-tries-to-be? This is the only role he's ever played and will ever play. Because he's not versatile and is incapable of playing a different character.

Bruce Willis isn't relatable, he's just cool to watch.
You haven't gunned down 300k bad guys or shot down a helicopter with a car? You need to get out more!:D

And I do think he's pretty funny. He's no Lewis CK, but he's still funny. Watching him on talk shows, the kid's definitely got some comedy wit in him, and that's all on the spot.
I just watched some youtube clips of Cera on various talk shows and witnessed no wit but plenty of ridiculous, awkward comments that the hosts usually ignored. I suspect that he doesn't act at all and this is how he is in real life.:whistler: Go ahead and link anything good though, maybe it will blow my mind. I watched <10 clips, perhaps I only picked the bad ones.

All of that said, the dude's pretty new. It's not like he's been around for very long at all. Don't judge him so quickly, unless you just simply don't like his acting style. But to say that there's no evidence to say otherwise, c'mon, duh? Probably because he's new.
I've been judging him for 4-5 years...he's been acting around for 10+ (depending on what you count).

I think he makes any and every movie he's in special in his own way. I think others could have played the parts just as well, but he does a perfectly fine job. It's really just about whether you like him or not. The real authority over whether some can act or not is simple popular opinion, and he definitely seems to have that.Yes, literally anyone else could have played his role just as well...that's the problem. I strongly disagree with the 'perfectly fine job' part though. I would say that popular opinion has actually become the authority because people will pay money to go see someone they like, even if that person shows no discernible talent, which means profits for the people who put him in the movie to begin with. So Cera is good at merely being liked by enough people to profit...:think: I don't have a problem with popular vote in theory, it's the people that make up the population that I have issue with. I guess I'm just not in the target market the producers are milking.

It's like me and Transformers. I really don't like those movies at all. But that doesn't mean they're bad movies, I mean, I think they could certainly do better, but obviously they're good enough since they're pretty popular. It's not a fact that those movies are bad, it's just an opinion.
I don't like what you're saying here, so it's bad.
When more than 3 people hate something it converts from opinion to fact. I read that somewhere.

02-24-2011, 01:52 PM
i think hes hilarious... just geeky enough to be a geek. lol... and as to the story book above... :eek::eek:

02-24-2011, 02:29 PM
Michael Cera hate trip aside, may I make one point.

Has anyone actually read the original graphic novel series? I haven't read the whole series, just part of the first volume, but from that, I would say that Cera is a perfect fit for the character precisely because of the reasons that have been pointed out saying why he's not a very good actor. As the story starts out, the character is exactly as you described Cera, mDust. Then, as the story progresses, the character matures and changes. And, IMO, he did a good job portraying that change.

02-24-2011, 03:40 PM
Michael Cera hate trip aside, may I make one point.

Has anyone actually read the original graphic novel series? I haven't read the whole series, just part of the first volume, but from that, I would say that Cera is a perfect fit for the character precisely because of the reasons that have been pointed out saying why he's not a very good actor. As the story starts out, the character is exactly as you described Cera, mDust. Then, as the story progresses, the character matures and changes. And, IMO, he did a good job portraying that change.

I don't hate michael cera, but he def. is not a versatile actor nor is he my favorite. But I thought he actually did a damn good job in Scott Pilgrim, probably the best acting I've seen out of him. He actually was a character... not himself in this movie. all his other stuff... not so much. (Although he was funny, just not a great actor lol)

02-24-2011, 03:54 PM
... and as to the story book above... :eek::eek:

It's all part of my plan to take over the world. It may seem like a pointless rant now, but the pieces will all come together in time.;)

02-24-2011, 11:40 PM
I am not a fan of Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen or Michael Cera in fact I usually avoid their movies at all times but I enjoyed Scott Pilgrim vs the World and have seen Green Hornet recently enough and enjoyed that but since the hipsters rule the world for the time being crappy things are gonna stick around for awhile.... so I'll bide my time until the hipsters realize THEY are the mainstream and have to disperse into the vintage void and hopefully take their crappy actors with them!

02-25-2011, 10:46 AM

i can't stand jonah hill or seth rogen. micheal cera is amusing to me but he still only really has 1 acting style. that's ok though, he's pretty knew to the scene. he'll either fade away or step up his game. just like jim carey. he basically only had one acting style until recently. now he's quite a damn good actor.

i have been very skeptical about seeing the green hornet because of seth rogen. movies cost too much to go out to see an actor you know you don't like.

02-25-2011, 02:18 PM
movies cost too much to go out to see an actor you know you don't like.

And that's why netflix/redbox/etc were invented. Just wait a few months and you can see it real cheap. :D

02-25-2011, 03:03 PM
and that's why i have netflix. :)

02-25-2011, 05:38 PM
And that's why netflix/redbox/etc were invented. Just wait a few months and you can see it real cheap. :D

Yuppers. And if you look around you can find Redbox codes for free rentals on Thursdays.
Cheap is good but free is better. :banana:

That said just watched this movie. I'm not a huge Michael Cera fan but I did like the movie. The game and comic references are awesome and the music just felt good to me. The soundtrack kind of has a 80's punk feel for me. :lick:

02-25-2011, 07:20 PM
I enjoyed the fight scenes and the music the most in that movie. They were both really well done.

The Vegan Police and that corresponding fight scene was both awesome and hilarious. lol