View Full Version : i hit the mother load

06-15-2011, 08:23 AM
last week we had a big cleanup at work and i happened to be in the right place at the right time when the IT guys were tossing a bunch of old computers. so, i just had to snag everything they were tossing.

i hooked up with 17 desktops, 2 laptops and 3 macbooks.


so far i've got two of the desktops working, raped 1 for fans and found a bunch of 1g ddr and ddr2 ram sticks. i haven't had a chance to look at video cards or processors yet. unfortunately, they pulled all the hard drives.

i think i have plenty of raw materials for some good modding now though.

06-15-2011, 09:44 AM
I hate mac but dibs? :D

06-15-2011, 09:47 AM
don't know if any of the mac books work or not.

i gotta figure out what model they are and then find an os disk to reinstall once i get new drives.

anyone know where i can get mac os install disks?

06-15-2011, 09:50 AM
Unless someone will give you and .iso image or a copy of the dvd you might have to coughtorrentcough for it.

06-15-2011, 09:55 AM
don't know if any of the mac books work or not.

i gotta figure out what model they are and then find an os disk to reinstall once i get new drives.

anyone know where i can get mac os install disks?

You can sell 'em without an OS for a bit on ebay.

06-15-2011, 10:02 AM
You can sell 'em without an OS for a bit on ebay.

SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:bash: :banghead: :fight: :dead: :facepalm:

06-15-2011, 10:09 AM
yes i could, but i'm just looking to test them to see if they are good. they would go away without hard drive or power adapter.

so anyway, just to let everyone else know, the mac books are all spoken for right now by fuganater, snowman, and my boss.
if anyone changes their mind, i'll put em back up for dibs.

06-15-2011, 10:11 AM
So, tell me the important info;
Was there anything in that Crown Royal bag?

06-15-2011, 10:13 AM
hahahhaa, yes actually there is...... it's my gaming dice bag, lol.

i know, hard to believe that anyone still plays pen and paper games anymore huh?

06-15-2011, 10:17 AM
My brother just got into some old school RPG game. Can't remember the name right now.

06-15-2011, 10:24 AM
my gaming preference is pretty much anything by palladium then d&d is at the low end, but that's what we're trying to play right now. unfortunately it's hard to find gamers. or at least gamers we can get along with.

06-15-2011, 10:59 AM
hahahhaa, yes actually there is...... it's my gaming dice bag, lol.

i know, hard to believe that anyone still plays pen and paper games anymore huh?


Get this: My extra D&D dice are also in a CR bag....

who would have guessed?

06-15-2011, 11:04 AM

06-15-2011, 11:26 AM
i know, hard to believe that anyone still plays pen and paper games anymore huh?

Not at all. There have GOT to be people still playing them for companies like Wizards of the Coast (RIP TSR) to sell the rulebooks for $40-$50 each.

hahahhaa, yes actually there is...... it's my gaming dice bag, lol.

And yes, CR bags were very popular for this in my gaming group way back when. A couple of our guys actually got rid of their CR bags in favor of other means of transport so they could tell them apart.

(Oh yeah, on topic: nice score!)

06-15-2011, 06:02 PM
My dice, MTG cards and counters are in a shoebox.

Us nondrinkers never have agreed on a standard item like you guys have.

06-15-2011, 10:07 PM
what's funny is i've only tried CR once and didn't really like it. straight anyway.

those bags used to be all over the house. dad would get a bottle every year for Christmas.

06-16-2011, 01:22 PM
Got any spare desktop DDRII PC6400?

But please DO sell/give away those Dells for modding purpouses!

*PS: Any Intel Macs? I'd take one either way. Not a Mac fanboy, but still....

06-16-2011, 01:54 PM
Do you have any Dell 8200 or similar cases? I want any of the ones that have a circle on the side, like this:


06-16-2011, 03:18 PM
so far i've only found 2 1G ddr2 ram sticks. i'm holding on to them though because they are in a case with a mobo that has a 64x processor that will work perfectly for a whs 2011 server box.

i have found a crap load of 512M and 1G ddr sticks though.


i'll have to look tonight, but i think i might actually have 1 of those cases. i'll let you know. it'll be late when i look though because i have stupid school tonight.

06-16-2011, 04:18 PM
Ddr1 Pc3200?

06-16-2011, 08:54 PM
maybe, i'll look in a few and get back to ya.

06-16-2011, 10:10 PM
Nice score! :up:

For testing the Mac's, you can just use Linux live-CDs. If you post pictures of them I can tell you if you need to get a PPC version.

06-17-2011, 06:07 AM
the macs are gone now. my boss took them for spare parts. we couldn't get any of them to even power up.

06-18-2011, 02:33 AM
Do you have any Dell 8200 or similar cases? I want any of the ones that have a circle on the side, like this:


oh, my god. i just recycled one of those a month ago.... :banghead:

btw, if you don't want any of those laptops, sharing is caring :)

06-18-2011, 01:12 PM
I found a local guy with an 8200 case. If you can ship it to me for less than $20 than I'd rather get it from you (so you can keep the change if there is any) otherwise I'll get one from this local guy.

06-18-2011, 09:01 PM
actually looking at the case you posted compared to picture i sent you, the differences seem that my case has only 2 5.25" slots and the front panel doesn't flip up.

also, i don't think i can ship it for less than $20. the fuel computers i ship to people are $10 and with the size of the box for a pc case, it would be more than that i'm sure.