View Full Version : Celtic Knot Inspired

08-12-2011, 06:44 AM
First of all, thank you to my Sponsor Thermaltake. They make awesome stuff and have used their stuff before, so check them out when looking to build or upgrade a new rig.

Hi all, I am new here and new to modding. I have always wanted t make a PC case out of wood but, instead of using solid timber, I am using MDF in this mod.

I am using the metal frame of an old case I have, and plan to fix the MDF to the frame (haven't quite worked out the details of that yet).

I am planning on carving the MDF based on one of my designs that has a Celtic Knot influence. I use the software AutoCAD to draw the design, then print out A4 sheets and stick them together so I have a 1:1 scale of the design that I can use as a template.

This is the old case.

This is the design printed out onto 3 A4 sheets that are taped together.

This is some scrap MDF I have that I will use for the front panel of the case.
I will need to get more MDF to finish the case.

Some music to Mod by

Tools I am using for the carving

Here I am using a glue stick on the back of the design which I then stick onto the MDF board.

Once the design is stuck to the MDF, I then start scribing/cutting over the lines of the pattern. These are called stop cuts, as they stop you carving beyond the line.

After making the cuts, I can then peel off the paper and I am left with the cuts.

Starting to carve

What I have managed to carve today.

I would have done more today except I injured myself trying to get my cat from next door. I fell over the fence and landed on my head straight onto brick. I also somehow bent my big toe nail back a bit and it bled. So with a sore head and a foot I can't stand on, I called it a day for now. Also tonight it is going to only be about 1degree so I don't really want to be in the garage as I have no heater in there.

I will post more tomorrow.

08-12-2011, 07:16 AM
First - Welcome to TBCS!!

Second - Nice design and off to a good start. :up:

Third - Next time go around the fence.

08-12-2011, 08:21 AM
welcome to the madness.

your mod looks good so far.

08-12-2011, 10:04 AM
That looks awesome! Welcome to TBCS!

08-14-2011, 04:10 AM
Thanks everyone for the warm invite. Here is a picture of day 2 of the PC case

08-14-2011, 01:03 PM
I fell over the fence and landed on my head straight onto brick. I also somehow bent my big toe nail back a bit and it bled.

Ah, the hazards of modding...:D

Looks pretty cool so far. What are your plans for optical drives and a power switch? Or do I have to just wait and see?;)

Welcome to TBCS by the way.

08-16-2011, 05:41 AM
Ah, the hazards of modding...:D

Looks pretty cool so far. What are your plans for optical drives and a power switch? Or do I have to just wait and see?;)

Welcome to TBCS by the way.

Thanks, yeah I will have a DVD burner and power and reset swithes, I will post pics that explain in next post.

08-16-2011, 05:52 AM
OK, here is Day 3. I have pretty muched finished the carving of the front panel, just need to sand it a bit. I have cut out the panel for the DVD burner. The dvd burner will be behind a MDF panel which I haven't cut out yet.


ANd here is the front panel leaning against the case

08-17-2011, 02:02 AM
Day 4 - So far today I have just sanded the front panel and applied a finish to it. I used acrylic paint and linseed oil to get an aged look. I then wiped off the excess oil and paint with a rag.

I thought the next step might be to look at the wiring as I haven't quite worked out how I am going to do it. I also need to reslove how I am going to create a button for the DVD burner to open. I have made a hole but haven't worked out the details. I also need to work out how to attach the drive door to the panel.

Anyway, here are the latest pics - the first pic doesn't really show the true colour of the finish.

This is the front panel leaning against the case. This shows the actual colour much better. I still need to cut out MDF for the side panels and the top.

08-17-2011, 02:34 AM
Here is a quick photo taken with LED's in place. The orange light will actually be red but i didn't have a spare red LED handy - I'll have to clean the shed to find the bag of them. I purchased 1000 LED's for $30 online a few years ago as it was cheaper than buying them seperately at Dick Smith Electronics - for $30 at Dick Smith, I could only buy 9 LED's - what a rip off.

08-17-2011, 07:30 AM
I also need to reslove how I am going to create a button for the DVD burner to open. I have made a hole but haven't worked out the details. I also need to work out how to attach the drive door to the panel.

One way to do it would be to use a short piece of wood/dowel in the hole you could glue a washer to the back. Then recess an area into the back of the panel that would allow the washer to sit in flush. As long as you get it lined up you can then just push the end of the wood/dowel to eject. The washer keeps the whole thing from falling out.

Great work, you're setting quite the pace.

08-17-2011, 07:51 AM
One way to do it would be to use a short piece of wood/dowel in the hole you could glue a washer to the back. Then recess an area into the back of the panel that would allow the washer to sit in flush. As long as you get it lined up you can then just push the end of the wood/dowel to eject. The washer keeps the whole thing from falling out.

Great work, you're setting quite the pace.

Thanks for the suggestion, I was thinking somewthing along those lines but was also thinking of coiling my own spring on the back of the panel wrapped around the dowel so it bounces back a bit.

08-17-2011, 08:32 AM
i would think the spring already in the button on the dvd burner should take care of that for you.

08-25-2011, 04:19 AM
Day 5:
I haven't done a lot since last time in terms of the case itself, but I have designed the side panels and top panel using AutoCAD.

The top panel will probably have a cut out for a fan, maybe 120mm diameter.
I have also trued up the front panel as it wasn't square. It's still not quite square but I've done the best I can. I made the mistake of carving the panel before cutting it out which is why it wasn't square - won't do that again.


Here is the case with the front panel fixed to the frame with brass dome head screws.

08-25-2011, 04:43 AM
Done by hand??? Holy crap! Very good job.

Are those the final screws your going to use on the front?

08-25-2011, 08:33 AM
that's awesome work.

08-26-2011, 05:57 AM
Done by hand??? Holy crap! Very good job.

Are those the final screws your going to use on the front?

Yeah the screws shown are the ones I'm going to use, couldn't find the ones I really like.

08-26-2011, 05:59 AM
Day 6:
Today I have started on the top panel. I have the panel already cut out and have started the carving. I have also cut out a hole for the 120mm fan that will be fixed below.


08-27-2011, 04:38 AM
Day 7:
Today I finished carving the top panel and also stained it. I still might need to sand around the fan cutout as it's a bit rough.

Below finished panel

Acrylic paint spread all over the panel roughly

Linseed oil poured and mixed over panel with brush. The oil allows the paint to blend nicely over the surface and also helps to get into small spaces.

After staining the top panel, I noticed that the top and side panel are a significantly different shade. I used the same paint and technique so I think that because the front panel is older, the paint has had longer to penetrate the mdf and make it darker....I hope so anyway.

Below is the case with the front and side panels. I haven't drilled holes for the screws to fix the top panel yet, and I also need to cut the metal from the original case for the fan.

08-27-2011, 01:04 PM
Looks good. Nice rich tones. :up:

Are you going to paint the chassis before final assembly?

08-28-2011, 02:38 AM
Looks good. Nice rich tones. :up:

Are you going to paint the chassis before final assembly?

I have been thinking I should paint it, maybe just black, but I'll see when the time comes.

08-28-2011, 02:46 AM
Day 8:
Today I have cut out the whole for the 120mm fan at the top of the case. I went and bought some cutting discs for my dremel. I haven't cut metal before so it was quite an experience with all the sparks flying. I ended up using 2 discs to cut the circle. The first disc broke in about 2 seconds but the disc I used after that was a reinforced disc which managed to finish the job although it is quite worn down.

I also drilled holes for the top panel and fixed the panel with brass dome head screws which I think match the colour of the case.

Here are some pics

Case fan cutout.

This is the pattern for the side panel. I have printed out 6 A4 sheets and taped them together. I was lucky it printed as the printer said out of ink, so I took out the empty cartridge and put it back in the printer and it worked.

Technically day 8 is still going and I am now tracing the pattern on the side panel with a carving knife.

08-31-2011, 06:52 AM
Day 9:
So today I have started carving one of the side panels. I drilled some ventilation holes in the panel - not sure if they will be very effective though.


08-31-2011, 09:00 AM
damn that is looking awesome!

09-01-2011, 01:12 AM
Thanks everyone for the compliments and comments.
Day 10:
Today I finished off carving the side panel which was starting t become a chore due to it's size.

I was looking at ways to fix the side panel so came up with the idea of fixing a strip of aluminium to the existing case edges. I bought pop rivet gun to help with this and it is awesome. You can see the rivets in the next 2 pics.

In the next 2 pics, you can see the side panel leaing against the case after I stained it. The colour doesn't match as it seems to take a couple of days for final colour to come out. I think it has something to do with the linseed oil darkeing the mdf.

I am thinking of putting the side panel on the other side of the case so I can perhaps put a mesh vent on the main access side. Just have to buy some more aluminium strip.

09-01-2011, 01:12 AM
Day 10:
Today I finished off carving the side panel which was starting t become a chore due to it's size.

I was looking at ways to fix the side panel so came up with the idea of fixing a strip of aluminium to the existing case edges. I bought pop rivet gun to help with this and it is awesome. You can see the rivets in the next 2 pics.

In the next 2 pics, you can see the side panel leaing against the case after I stained it. The colour doesn't match as it seems to take a couple of days for final colour to come out. I think it has something to do with the linseed oil darkeing the mdf.

I am thinking of putting the side panel on the other side of the case so I can perhaps put a mesh vent on the main access side. Just have to buy some more aluminium strip.

09-05-2011, 07:35 AM
Day 11:
I haven't done a great deal since my last update. I basically fixed some aluminium bars to the other side of the case with rivets and attached the fan to the top of the case. I have actually stuffed up the front panel. I realised when I put the side panel on. It's not square and if I was to square it up, the panel would be asymmetrical. I can't live with that so I am going to do a new front panel with a new design. It wasn't a total waste though, I made some mistakes on the initial front panel which I have learned from.

New design for front panel:

Case with Fan - also I put the panel on the other side than previous photos. I am also getting a bit concerned that the colours aren't matching between the panels. Something I might have to address later on when I'm finished the case.

09-08-2011, 06:23 AM
Day 12:
I have started carving the new front panel. The first 2 photos show the panel leaning against the case. The colour of the top and side panel also seem to be getting closer tone colour which I was worried about. I should be able to finish carving and staining the front panel tommorrow and also clean up the DVD drive cutout.


The last photo shows what I finished today on the front panel

09-08-2011, 06:55 AM
Another sick panel design!

09-09-2011, 09:03 AM
Another sick panel design!


09-09-2011, 09:04 AM
Day 13:
Not a lot done today, but I have finished carving the front panel and cut out the hole for the USB ports.

09-10-2011, 05:10 AM
Day 14:
Today I printed out the pattern for the other side panel, then traced over the design with a carving knife - took about 1.5 hours. I also drilled out areas on the case for cutting out ventilation holes with the jigsaw. The jigsaw blade broke so I will have to wait until I can get to the hardware store before I can finish off the cutouts.

I also test fitted all the panels, there is a slight overlap on the right hand side but isn't too bad. Not sure if I will do anything about it or not yet, I thought I could just file the overlap down.
First photo is a bit blurry

09-12-2011, 02:32 AM
Day 15:
I have done a fair bit today. I cut out the vent holes, and filed them into shape - not before going to the hardware store to get some more jigsaw blades.
I also finished carving the panel. I also stained it. I feel pretty pooped at the moment so not sure how much more, if anymore, work I will do today.




09-12-2011, 07:29 AM
you sir have some amazing carving skills! +rep :D

09-12-2011, 09:23 PM
:stupid: What he said. Looking good so far.

09-12-2011, 10:26 PM
you sir have some amazing carving skills! +rep :D

thanks, I really appreciate the compliments

09-13-2011, 04:25 AM
Day 16:
Today I realised two problems with the mod. The top panel fan is in the way of the DVD drive. I can either have one or the other as they take up the same space. I decided to go with the DVD drive as priority and just have a grill over under the fan cutout. I also realised that I drilled the hole for the DVD drive in the wrong spot. I thought I had the dimensions right but obviously not. I simply puttied the hole, and will take more care for the next hole.
Otherwise everything else is working out well. I made a cutout in the metal frame of the case behind the front panel to allow room for the USB and power and reset switches. Not the greatest cutout job, I could clean it up a little but you don't ever see it.
I also went ahead and stained the front panel, even though I haven't drilled the holes for the switches.
I epoxied the DVD drive door to a piece of MDF in the front panel.
Also thanks again to Thermaltake for the PSU which is on the way. I'm glad they agreed to sponsor me as I have other kit I have bought from them that I really like.

09-13-2011, 04:47 AM
You might have to drill into the DVD casing for new mounting holes. Thats what I had to do when I stealthed mine in Project: Rage.

09-13-2011, 04:51 AM
You might have to drill into the DVD casing for new mounting holes. Thats what I had to do when I stealthed mine in Project: Rage.

Yep, you're absolutely correct. I noticed that too when I put the drive in. I think it is because the drive usually sits more forward of the frame, but now is flush with the frame therefore the mounting holes are obscured. Thanks for the heads up though.

09-16-2011, 05:07 AM
Day 17:
Not a great deal done today as I am waiting for my PSU from Thermaltake before I can do the electricals. I cut out a fan grill and fixed it to the top panel. As there is no room for a fan, the grill pretty much just works as passive cooling by letting heat out - hot air rises.
I also put the switches on the front panel. As the switches came with no information for wiring, it will be a guessing game to work out how to wire them up...might need some help from knowledgeable case modders.


09-16-2011, 06:47 AM
Give a link for where you bought the switch? Myself or someone might be able to help you.

09-16-2011, 07:07 AM
Was gonna say if you do need help I'm not the guy but someone on here will.
But someone jumped in to help first, God I love this place. :)

BS Mods
09-17-2011, 12:38 AM
This is really cool looking. Great carving!

It looks kinda rustic.

The switches shouldn't be too hard. Usually the power button has 4 wires total if it's an led switch. 2 wires will join together and are usually the same color. Those are for the "Power On" header on your mobo and it doesn't matter which way you put them since it's just a momentary switch. The other 2 are for the led. So you would plug them into the "Power LED" header on the mobo. One will be positive and one will be negative. If there's a black wire, it's negative. The reset button works the same way basically. You can use the reset led for the HDD activity light.

Hope that helps.

09-17-2011, 01:14 AM
This is really cool looking. Great carving!

It looks kinda rustic.

The switches shouldn't be too hard. Usually the power button has 4 wires total if it's an led switch. 2 wires will join together and are usually the same color. Those are for the "Power On" header on your mobo and it doesn't matter which way you put them since it's just a momentary switch. The other 2 are for the led. So you would plug them into the "Power LED" header on the mobo. One will be positive and one will be negative. If there's a black wire, it's negative. The reset button works the same way basically. You can use the reset led for the HDD activity light.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the info and assistance. I already had a go at doing it before i read your post so hope i have done it right. I can't really test it until I put in the PSU and motherboard.

09-17-2011, 01:15 AM
Day 18:
Worked on some electrics today, not sure if I have done it right until I hook up the switches to the motherbaord. In the photo, I just tested the wiring for the power on using a 9V battery.

09-17-2011, 02:00 AM
Nice. Looking good!

09-17-2011, 04:57 AM
Nice. Looking good!

Thanks for the compliment.:banana:

09-21-2011, 04:28 AM
Day 19:
I received my PSU from Thermaltake. Excellent quality build and excellent prducts....I already have a 700w Toughpower PSU in my main rig.

I also varnished the panels today using a matte varnish, just got to wait for it to dry to see if another coat is needed.

Also got some motherboard mounting screws from a local computer store too

09-22-2011, 05:37 AM
Day 20:
I got my clear acrylic in the mail today. I have cut it int 2 pieces and fixed it to the side panel with the holes cutout for it. Just waiting on some screws so I can fix the motherbard inside the case. I also soldered the HDD and reset headers to the switches. I also had to wire the LED's for the switches to a fan header so I can get 12V as I purchased the wrong switches.
I think overall the case is looking good with the coat of lacquer I put on, seems to give the panels more depth and contrast.

09-22-2011, 05:42 AM
I think it looks awesome. You've done all of this by hand which is even more amazing.

09-22-2011, 08:52 AM
that looks awesome!

i'm not understanding you choice of power for the switch leds though. did you get some automotive switches that require 12v or something?

09-22-2011, 07:11 PM
Case looks great, the lacquer worked nicely!

09-24-2011, 01:20 AM
It looks great. I really like Celtic artwork.

09-24-2011, 04:59 AM
It looks great. I really like Celtic artwork.

Thanks for the compliment, I too love Celtic artwork

BS Mods
09-24-2011, 01:10 PM
This really looks amazing. I love it.

I would recommend changing the silver screws out though. They look out of place compared to the rustic look of the case. Black might look better.

Not sure what you mean about getting wrong switches??

Anyway, it looks great and keep up the good work. :up:

09-24-2011, 08:48 PM
that looks awesome!

i'm not understanding you choice of power for the switch leds though. did you get some automotive switches that require 12v or something?

Yes, I got the 12V automotive switches

09-24-2011, 09:17 PM
ok, that makes sense then.

09-24-2011, 09:34 PM
This really looks amazing. I love it.

I would recommend changing the silver screws out though. They look out of place compared to the rustic look of the case. Black might look better.

Not sure what you mean about getting wrong switches??

Anyway, it looks great and keep up the good work. :up:

The screws are actually brass but look silver in the photos. In regards to getting the wrong switches, I bought 12V latching switches instead of 3V Momentary switches.

BS Mods
09-24-2011, 11:10 PM
The screws are actually brass but look silver in the photos. In regards to getting the wrong switches, I bought 12V latching switches instead of 3V Momentary switches.

Ahh gotcha. ;)

09-26-2011, 05:26 AM
OK, I have put in the hardware and tested the electrics and all seems to be good. I had to make some slight adjustments to the DVD drive door as it wasn't and opening and closing properly, I simply filed down the MDF door. I just need to put a fan in the back, and make a cutout for the fan.
Computer Specs:
AMD Athlon 64 x 2 6000
4GB Corsair Ram
Asus M3A78 Pro
Saphire 4890
LG DVD Burner

09-26-2011, 05:54 AM
Very nice. How are your temps?

09-26-2011, 10:28 AM
that looks fantastic. nice job.

09-29-2011, 05:13 AM
Here is an image with all the hardware inside.
I have pretty muched finished this mod now, is there a place that completed logs go?

09-29-2011, 05:20 AM
Post here: http://www.thebestcasescenario.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7953&page=11

And PM TheGreatSatan that your mod is fiished and link your worklog in the PM

09-29-2011, 08:57 AM
Nice mod Espie79 :) +rep.