View Full Version : Anyone switch to a new DE after the Unity/Gnome3 releases?

08-13-2011, 02:48 AM
I was curious if anyone here has migrated to any other Desktop Environments since the Unity and Gnome 3 releases.

I recently re-installed Ubuntu alongside my XP install (Never realize how far the installer has come in terms of automating the process. I've never had such a convenient Dual Boot setup) but i'm not sure how I feel about Unity. The interface feels large and clunky and almost, dumbed down.

I thought about checking out a distribution with Gnome 3 (Fedora) instead but that doesn't seem much better. Anyone here have any recommendations of anything they've tried lately? I was thinking about XFCE. Or maybe I should give unity some more time.

08-13-2011, 04:44 PM
I just switched my UI back to classical Gnome (ie, non-Unity) and kept going like Canonical never made the dumb decision to make such a big switch on a major release. I like the apt package management system and I don't really feel like losing the much larger library of pre-compiled/pre-configured packages that Ubuntu has over Debian, so I'm sticking with them for a while. Much more of these major changes and I might be jumping ship though. ...might check out Mint...or just bite the bullet the get my laptop set up with a bare Debian install.

08-13-2011, 05:04 PM
I thought about just switching to gnome classic or installing a different DE over Ubuntu but I wasn't sure if I would be fighting with updates breaking my setup all the time. Does it just work like normal for you? Are you running in to any problems with programs being built with unity in mind or broken compatibity?

08-13-2011, 08:37 PM
Haven't had any problems yet. Even now Ubuntu default installs have the option to use either, so I'm guessing at least for the time being they're going to support both.