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View Full Version : XFX 7600GT XXX Edition

The boy 4rm oz
05-06-2006, 01:12 AM
Hi I am thinking of buying two XFX 7600GT XXX Edition's and I was wondering what u guys think. It runs at 590MHz and 1.6GHz. here's a link http://www.xfxforce.com/web/product/listConfigurationDetails.jspa?productConfiguration Id=186033

Get back 2 me. *Thanks*

05-06-2006, 03:04 AM
I have been looking into that card as well. I did some research and the card is really pretty cool for the price. The clock speeds are high but the one issue that comes up on most of the reviews is, its only 128 bit vs the 7800+'s and even the 6800's being 256. A buddy of mine just got his and he says it runs GREAT for the money. I wish I could remember the links to those reviews but you should be able to Google them as that is how I found them. Rank posted this link in another thread http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1697,1945704,00.asp and it has some really interesting stats, such as dollar per fps. The 7600 series were the lowest $/frame, which is good of course. Most of the reviews on Newegg say that it doesn't really matter that the card is 128bit because it runs just as well. The one thing that I have heard is that 2 7600's won't really outperform a 7900GT or GTX and you can still get 1 of those cards cheaper then 2 of the 7600's. Since I was going to do exactly what you are talking about, and reading what I have, I have decided to get 1 7900GT and then if needed save up and get another 7900GT to match later. But thats just me.. Good luck with and let us know how you make out.

05-06-2006, 12:41 PM
why buy 2 of those when you can spend the same money and get one 7900 gtx for about the same, giving you better performance all around. this card has 24 pixel pipelines, as compared to 12, 256 bit compared to 128, double the ddr3 memory, which ends up MAJORLY increasing performance. it may be more for one of these as compared to 2 7600's, but... if you put one of these(7900 gtx) up to 2 7600, your fps results will def double. and then when you want to upgrade later on, you still can. sli is still too new, and not enough games make it worth it yet. on games like oblivion and call of duty 2 and a few others will even reap benefits of sli. besides, one 7900 gtx will let you run oblivion/ call of duty 2 fully tweaked at awesome frame rates anyway. even my one 6800 ultra runs those game very very well.

so.. bottom line, one 7900 gtx would be a much better bet. same cost, better performance, and still room to upgrade later on. win/win situation.

hope OvRiDe and i helped you out a bit

good luck.

The boy 4rm oz
05-07-2006, 07:32 AM
Oh I thought it was 256 ddr3 well thats what the site that i found it on said. I wanted to get two of these cards because if i just got one really gd one than it would make me want to get the second one even more and i dont have the cash. I thought they were pretty good cards and it can stack up against todays games pretty well. I wasn't looking for an extreme PC and thesecards fitted my budget perfectly.

The boy 4rm oz
05-07-2006, 07:36 AM
Oh and thanks that like really helped me out.

05-07-2006, 10:31 AM
hey i was thinking about the going sli with two 7600's to but i decided to go 7900gtx. so i was going to get the
but a kid i know said that evga is better so should i get the evga one


The boy 4rm oz
05-09-2006, 04:38 AM
Well I thought about it and I decided to get a XFX 7900 GTX Extreme Edition. This is a really fast card and it is cheeper than crappier substitutes. This card it $920.00 AUS so it's just a little more than me buying to 7600 GT's.

05-09-2006, 09:10 AM
Look at http://www.staticice.com.au

I found a XFX 7900GT XXX today for $556 (I think, it might be slightly more but it was cheaper than $920)

05-09-2006, 09:10 PM
all i can say, is.. please...for your own sake, get the 512mb card. you would def regret gettin the 256mb card.

The boy 4rm oz
05-10-2006, 04:08 AM
Yep it's the 512mb card, i made sure of that.