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View Full Version : First time mod: "Ohhh! Shiny case!"-mod

08-22-2006, 09:43 AM
Well, I've been lurking here and asking questions for about a week now, and have finally found some time to start up my mod. I'm taking a Tt Kandalf case and painting the inside and out. Inside, I'm going for a dark, non-reflective black color to make lighting and other parts stand out better. On the outside, I'm trying a mirror finish with royal blue paint. I'm also thinking about putting a mirror into the bottom of the case to fit in with the whole shiny look. Originally, I was just going to go with the black on the inside, but started looking at stuff online and saw how nice stuff could turn out, and didn't seem like it was too much work, and figured why the hell not?

So, here's some pics of what I got done last night and Saturday afternoon.

Sanded side panels, think I have a bit more to do on these to get 'em smoother

PCI brackets to be painted black

More sanded stuff

More sanded stuff, and a foot!

Naked case

Naked case + drive bays

Sanding supplies + Paint in bags

Primed inside of side panel 1st coat

Primed panel insides

A very big box!