View Full Version : another cool idea of mine..

09-02-2006, 11:49 PM
i was driving home last night... i had a huge idea.
i dont want to go into to much detail becuase i think it could be a huge thing for intense workstation settings...
but it would be a multi-display, multi-system setup where actuall applications could be dragged from one monitor, on one system to another completly differant system in real-time....
this is just one feature of what i want out of my entire idea....

R.A.C.C.S: Redundant Array of Complimentary Computer Systems...
this would be a OS add-on

09-03-2006, 01:52 AM
I believe Windows Vista is going to have something called superfetch and ReadyDrive which is supposed to speed up app loading time by "learning" what apps are normaly loaded together and borrow flashdrive memory to speed up loading. So when it sees you starting to load your work stuff it grabs the other files you normaly load at the same time. That combined with Jumpdrives equiped with U3 software and server based user profiles could make your idea workable.

What's the great advantage? I'm not sure I see a use.
It sounds kind of like a super form of net meeting or remote desktop to me. You'd be wasting huge amounts of bandwidth for little gain. Could I shove my work onto someone elses machine? (gotta go to lunch, here buddy finish this off for me would ya?). Or... Crikey! the boss is comming gotta look busy [grabs project file off cow-orkers machine]. moving the data is more important than the app and we already have that. plus moving apps around willy nilly will certainly open up a pandora's box of liscensing issues