View Full Version : More technical-oriented mods?

12-13-2006, 01:45 PM
I'm curious if anyone else here has noticed this about their modding or if I'm just weird.:)

It seems like I'm a lot more oriented toward technical mods - adding LEDs to things, resoldering connections on circuit boards to get a DDR pad to work with StepMania, building my own component cable for my Wii, etc. I've attempted some more artistic mods like repainting my case (thwarted by the weather ATM) but I haven't really successfully completed any. This doesn't really surprise me since I've never been anything resembling artistic. I occasionally make advertising for our LAN party and that's about the extent of my art (and it usually just involves ripping off other people's stuff;)). I still intend to get back to some more case modding, if for no other reason than because I spent too much on supplies to not end up with anything to show for it, but I was struck by the number of smaller technical projects that I've done in the interim.

And since I know everyone here loves pictures, here's one of my hacked together Wii component cable:


Monetarily was it worth the 8 hours or so I spent on trial and error before figuring out a method that worked? No. Do I feel a serious sense of accomplishment every time I look at it? Absolutely.:up:

BTW, I'm not intending to imply that some of the very artistic mods don't have a strong technical element as well, but mine seem to be more technical and less artistic than most.

12-13-2006, 02:07 PM
I think I fall into that "technical" mod arena too. I have many visions for artistic mods, but lack most of the skills to pull it off (or maybe just lack the practice). The most artistic I have been lately is with cabling.

12-13-2006, 02:12 PM
My only lack is money, unfortunately. I have the tools and the knowledge to pull it off, but I don't have the money for the materials. So I guess I'm under the technical category too.

12-13-2006, 06:14 PM
I've got funding problems aswell, because Im still in school. But I try to pull off whatever I want my case to look like.
Im quite artistic I guess (2D art and design, photography), and I get experience with time (how to "dremel" correctly, how to etch windows etc), and Im also studying Electronics at school (which is Airforce Technological School), so I like messing with wires.

So I'd say Im kind of neutral, a bit in the middle.

12-14-2006, 12:44 AM
As for me, I believe I also fall under technical, but I more like to categorize my designs as being industrial, minimalistic, and functional. I like clean, strait lines, smooth-moving parts, hide-away compartments, cleverly done additions, and other very "organized and logical" designs. I am not a very artistic person, so I cant pull off many of the artistic ideas I dream up, but I can take a pretty simple idea and make it artistically complex.


12-14-2006, 12:52 PM
...but I can take a pretty simple idea and make it artistically complex.


I love the visual of this concept! Great way to describe it!

12-14-2006, 01:27 PM
resoldering connections on circuit boards to get a DDR pad to work with StepMania

if you know of a site to do this PLEASE tell me.....i dont feel like ordering a control box :)

12-15-2006, 11:24 AM
I got mine from this thread (http://forums.slickdeals.net/showthread.php?sduid=58706&t=305108&highlight=kraft+ddr), and the instructions for modding are here (http://www.phobe.com/cheesy/). There are also some tips that might be worth reading in that thread, depending on how comfortable you are with that sort of thing.