View Full Version : Fender Guitar Case Mod

12-21-2006, 03:09 AM
i am new to the "modding scene". i started building computers about a year ago and i've loved it ever since. until now i just bought any cool looking case that i thought was suitable for the client. it wasn't until i saw the Doom 3 case the other day i was completly inspired to begin my journey in the case modding world.

the case i am already in the process of making is a Fender stratocaster inspired case.

the case i am using is old as dirt, i hardly have any tools (borrowing a dremel, lol..) and i have no real skills of machine work or how to use tools (typical female..)

i play guitar and thought it'd be great to make a strat mod. black body with a white "sportscar" stripe going down the middle of the case (think longways, not the sides).

as you can see i sketeched this in paint. lolz


suggestions? comments? concerns? i am going full speed ahead into this even though i am a n00b. if i fark up then i'll try again. kthx.

12-21-2006, 03:16 AM
okay i just had some ideas dawned upon me. instead of the circular window i may go with a pick shaped window.

i don't like the rectangle window anymore either. .

12-21-2006, 03:38 AM
Here is a good guide you can use to help paint your case.


The guide is for spray cans. The guide is for painting a laptop but the same applies for a computer case.

Welcome to the forums. Yeah the doom mod has that effect on people.

12-21-2006, 03:47 AM
i've already checked out 200+ tutorials and have them saved. ;)

the painting does intimidate me as i will only have a sanding block and sand paper at my side, no power tools really. (at least 30+ hours of painting and sanding ahead, how awesome) i'm pretty cavewoman. idk though, i'm scared to do a work log. i do things very weirdly.

btw, thanks for the welcome.

12-21-2006, 04:34 AM
i do things very weirdly

You are probably normal compared to some of the people on here. :banana:

Sometimes the basic tools are the best you don't always need power tools.

Really when ever you do something to the case no matter how erratic just take a picture and put it up. We all love to see people's work and maybe some of the others on here might give you some pointers or come up with great suggestions that can make your mod turn in another direction. It has happened to me.

12-21-2006, 08:27 AM
If you're looking for some idea's, why not add some volume knobs to it from the guitar somewhere, maybe as fan controllers. And some jacks for the cable from guitar to amp?

12-21-2006, 12:09 PM
Welcome to TBCS! This is THE BEST modding community you will ever find. Listen to Simon. Put up a worklog. People here will not laugh at or come down on you. Everyone here is always willing to help and give suggestions. You won't find a friendlier group of people. Community PC thread excluded. Tempers have run high there because everyone is so passionate about the project.

Being a guitar player myself I'll be watching this closely. I love the idea of making the window in the shape of a pick. Maybe etch Fender or Dunlop (whatever pick you prefer) on there too.

12-21-2006, 12:39 PM
well... you guys convinced me. i'm gonna start taking some work progress pics and start a log.

the etching idea sounds wonderful, and i already wanted to put the guitar knobs as the fan controller knobs. ;)

12-21-2006, 04:15 PM
OH!!! OH!!!

give it a wammy bar ^_^

12-24-2006, 12:57 AM
I'm gettin a strat for xmas W00T!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
good Idea, I'm thinkin' a guitar-like paintjob (http://www.mitsukai.org/pictures/guitar.jpg)
anyway, good luck, looking foward to seeing this one