View Full Version : noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! i have to pay tax

01-13-2007, 06:11 AM
damn it my national insurance card came this morning now i have to pay tax

01-13-2007, 06:54 AM
Not if you're a student-you don't have to pay Council tax.

Income tax is based on what you earn, if under £4500 a year, no tax.

VAT you always paid anyway, along with Road tax and stuff.


01-13-2007, 07:27 AM
I wouldnt worry about your NI card yet. I take it that your late 15's early 16's if you've only just got it, you'd have to earn over £100 a week to be getting taxed.

01-13-2007, 08:50 AM
No, over £100 a week is the National Insurance, which pays for you when you have to take time off work. Everyone pays it who earns over £100 a week, and unfortunately for part time workers like me, if you don't pay it often enough, you aren't covered. So the 4 months a year i spend unable to work (we'll call it my illness and leave it at that) are 4 months where i have to live on my overdraft.


01-13-2007, 02:55 PM
The Uk has weird tax systems :eek:

01-13-2007, 04:59 PM
Your worried about a little bit of tax? You should be used to it by now. Everything you buy has been taxed about 10 times before you buy it. All that tax get transfered to you in the end. Thats just spending money. Then you've got to pay income tax which seems like a lot and is actually more. Then you've got other taxes or fee's which you have to pay. Employment insurance, pension, ect, ect.

And how does the government thank you for paying your taxes? They make you pay tax on the money they give back to you for tax returns.

The more you make = the more they take. If you make around what i make, the gov takes %20 off what i make then makes me pay another %14 on everything i buy. For you retards out there, that equals %34 of my gross income.This gets compounded if you make more. Millionaires such as Bill Gates or Will Smith pay over %50 tax... Sure they can afford it, there millionaires right? If you think about it logically, they might make 40 million a year but the tax man is taking a dumbfounding 20 million... There is no way to win with the tax man.

****ing tax...