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View Full Version : Res issues with new LCD TV

02-17-2007, 07:26 PM
Hi people hope Yer all well,

This is my problem. I have a 32" LCD TV and it has 2 Scarts, HDMI, Component, and the usual redundant socket ins, ie s-video and composite. My problem lies where ATI Catalyst tells me that my TV can handle resolutions upto
1920x1080 but as soon as try to configure my graphics card to do so all I get from my telly is "Out Of Range". Is there any software out there than can byepass the EIDD or what ever it's called so I can configure a resolution to match the LCD.

BTW I use Powerstrip and still have problems. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated...

All the best Kev.

02-17-2007, 11:07 PM
I highly doubt a lcd tv can handle 1920x1080. It would be much lower. At a lower res do you get a picure? Also you need to find out what the refresh rate of the screen in Hz.

02-18-2007, 09:30 AM
Well the answer is yes they can!! I have both a 32" and a 37" LCD screens. the only question is some 32" and lower can only handle 1080i @ 30hz or 720p@ 60hz. connect your hdmi cable from your crossfire rig and (DVI out ) and select from the catalyst control center the HDTV support section and add the resolution your TV can do. really right now from what I know that only 37" and up can do 1080p @60hz or more. My 37" main monitor can support 1080p@75hz but it considered Full HD. my 32" can do 1080i at 60hz. anything over 40" that has been produced in the past year or so is FULL HD.

good luck

02-18-2007, 06:43 PM
Thanks for the response guys. All helpful. But I'm still having issues with "out of range" at higher resolutions or it just looks nasty. Never mind it looks pretty sweet at the moment with 1152 by 648. Winamp vizzes look slick and DVD playback is pretty damn good too. Some HD video clips I downloaded look sweet too. I guess I'll have to start savin for a DX10 card in a few months eh!! LOL

Thanks again Guys.. peace:up:

PS Oh and say hello to South Korea and Sydney for us will Yer. Laters..