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04-14-2007, 06:27 AM
Well, since we have some pretty wise and/or intelligent members here in the forum *cough* especially compared to my friends, who only think about sex *cough* Man, I must of had something in my throat. Anyways, I got a question about relationships. lol yea I know, this is going to be interesting.

What does every girl want in a relationship?

What are some key factors to having a successful relationship?

Why is South Park making fun of so many movies lately in Season 11? I mean seriously, first it was 300, now its The Davinci Code in the easter special. Are they making fun of hollywood now instead of religion?

lol idk how that last one fits in with this... but just go with it. ;) I've probably missed a ton of questions, so just fill in where you see fit. ^_^


I've finally found a girl who isn't all about good looks and actually wants to be in a real relationship. Well, she's still young (Eighteen), but its the thought that counts lol. But I don't want to blow it this time so I'm going to my elders for some advice. ;)

And no, I'm not going to MOD her. Thats just out of the question. :rolleyes:

04-14-2007, 06:53 AM
It completely depends on who the girl is mate.
Some girls want nights in watching films/candle-lit dinners, whilst some just want to buy a litre of rum and hit up the local house parties....

Both of them like FUN. Whatever you do, make sure you keep her having fun. Don't get stuck in tradition or routine, try to go somewhere different every time you go out. Also, once you're actualy boyfriend/girlfriend there's my golden rule of three. For the first few months Only go on 3 dates with her per week. Any less and it's boring for her, any more and the novelty will soon wear off. Three is the perfect number; It keeps her looking forward to the next date without making her impatient and annoyed.

The most important thing above everything else though is to be confident, and honest.


04-14-2007, 07:01 AM
you could be surprised girl seem to like tons of stuff I would say as long as you both having fun together thats all you need.

04-14-2007, 07:10 AM
onelegout is rigth,

the best way to keep your woman happy, is to keep her laughing, be funny, make jokes, be nice with hear, NEVER, EVER yell at her,

and the most important, fall in love with her EVERY TIME YOU SEE HER !

i've been with my woman for three years, our anniversary was on 11 April, i love her more than you can imagine!
Its been three years and i still get butterflies when i see her walk to wards me

what else...

tell her what you feel
if you like how she looks with a certain pair of jeans, tell her
if you like her make up, tell her
if you like her eyes, tell her
if you like her legs, tell her
if you like her ass, tell her that to (but it may be a good idea to wait a few moth before you do that :D)

a woman loves to hear she looks great, not good, good is not good enough :D, it needs to be GREAT

don't embarrass her, don't get in fight(with parents, friends etc) in front of her

the bottom line is (even if i sound to romantic )

LOVE her, and don't do it just to do it

04-14-2007, 09:48 AM
Well, since we have some pretty wise and/or intelligent members here in the forum *cough* especially compared to my friends, who only think about sex *cough* Man, I must of had something in my throat. Anyways, I got a question about relationships. lol yea I know, this is going to be interesting.

What does every girl want in a relationship?

What are some key factors to having a successful relationship?

Why is South Park making fun of so many movies lately in Season 11? I mean seriously, first it was 300, now its The Davinci Code in the easter special. Are they making fun of hollywood now instead of religion?

lol idk how that last one fits in with this... but just go with it. ;) I've probably missed a ton of questions, so just fill in where you see fit. ^_^


I've finally found a girl who isn't all about good looks and actually wants to be in a real relationship. Well, she's still young (Eighteen), but its the thought that counts lol. But I don't want to blow it this time so I'm going to my elders for some advice. ;)

And no, I'm not going to MOD her. Thats just out of the question. :rolleyes:

Let me just say that if this is a girl that you plan on hanging around with for awhile...MAKE SURE that she is at the very least mildly nterested in PC's &/or modding or any of your other hobbies because after a few weeks/months, she'll start trying to pull you away from them and get you to go to Dixie Chicks concerts and sh!t. :mad: hehehe

04-14-2007, 04:56 PM
What does every girl want in a relationship?
A subtle balance between being coveted with a sense that you desire to understand every facet of her being, along with the feeling that you can get along just fine without her.

What are some key factors to having a successful relationship?
The most important factor in any type of relationship between people is communication. You must must must listen to and not just hear what she is saying (I can't stress how difficult this is to do as time passes). Listening is a skill that you have to work on, keep reminding yourself. The other half is express yourself honestly which is also hard to do at times. Without both elements you will not truely know each other and eventually misunderstanding will dissolve the connection. Remember that it takes one lifetime or more to truely get to know someone.

04-14-2007, 05:42 PM
You know, I wish I knew this myself. I don't understand girls at all. They are fricking weird. Like 2 weeks ago, me and my girlfriend (of 10 months) broke up. She broke up with me, and it was like for no apparent reason. We got back from Spring Break, had school for 4 days, and she broke up with me. WTF? It was the ****tiest explanation too. "We weren't strong enough". I mean seriously. She couldn't even think of a decent excuse.

Ok, enough with the bitching. Sorry.

What I learned from our relationship though.

1. TALK. TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK. Always communicate. Tell her how your feeling. Ask her how she's doing. If something looks like it's bothering her, ask about it.
2. Be a gentleman. Enough said.
3. Cater to her needs, not yours. She is more important than you. If she doesn't like it when you swear, don't. If she wants you to smell her stinky feet, do it.
4. Hug her. They like hugs. And kisses. Not the slobbery 20 sec. at a time ones. That's for private. In public, just a peck. And hold her hand. Make her feel LOVED.

Slug Toy
04-14-2007, 06:28 PM
What does every girl want in a relationship?

i havent the slightest clue. unfortunately to find out what a girl wants, you have to ask her.

ill tell you this though. dont rush things, and dont feel like they need to be rushed. busy yourself with plenty of other things as well as her. this way you can keep your mind occupied so you dont start over thinking things and saying stupid stuff. ive made the mistake of obsessing over conversations and trying to extract meaning from them. every time i try to do that, i end up making a mess of things. ive found it easier and more successful to take most conversations for face value and just store that knowledge... and then continue with school work or whatever the task at hand is. i havent really made any forward progress with that strategy, but at least im not pissing people off anymore.

04-15-2007, 12:04 AM
Oddly enough, I'm going to add something that I just learned to this.

Don't ever talk to her bestfriend about things unless you want her to know about them. Because they talk, they talk ALOT.

This can also be used to your advantage. But don't get into the habit unless you are very good at being always on your toes. Cuz more likely than not, your going to slip and say something stupid. lol ><

Thanks a bunch guys! Your info is much appreciated. ^_^

04-15-2007, 12:52 AM
Don't ever talk to her bestfriend about things unless you want her to know about them. Because they talk, they talk ALOT.

"Two people can keep a secret only if one is dead." Abraham Lincoln

04-15-2007, 02:09 AM
"Two people can keep a secret only if one is dead." Abraham Lincoln

ah almost true, i know many a secret, lost count at 526, that if i ever tell. ID DIE, darn murder lol

04-15-2007, 02:20 AM
ah almost true, i know many a secret, lost count at 526, that if i ever tell. ID DIE, darn murder lol

I know many secrets about girls too. I REALLY wish I didn't though. Girls... are very... different from guys. lol

04-15-2007, 07:41 AM
I have another question that is in a way related to relationships. It regards personal health.

I have dark areas under my eyes, it makes me look... almost sick or something. What is that caused by? How do I fix it?

Also, I have a bit of acne about my face and my upper back. Its not bad because I keep it under surveillance, but its still noticeable. Any tips for that?

I kind of have a feeling that those two are somehow related to each other. Probably caused by what I eat. I don't ever have fast food and I don't eat really junky food all that often. Maybe every blue moon or so. I don't think its what I eat that causes those dark bags under my eyes or my acne, rather I think its what I don't eat. As in, I'm missing some food blocks in my daily pyramid. Thats just a guess though, I don't really know for sure.


04-15-2007, 09:09 AM
Dark bags can come from sleep deprivation, stress, all sorts of stuff. Do you tend to stay up late and wake up early? Like, sleep 1:00-6:00? That would cause it.

Acne.. Best advice I can give is don't be touching it with you hands. The oils on your fingers can make it worse. Only touch it when you washing your face, or shaving (stuff like that). Also, wash your face with a good "acne wash". It may make you feel gay walking down the store aisles holding a tube of acne wash, but it can help. And, if lets say, you come home from school and you feel a pimple coming in, but you don't want to wash your face, buy some astringent and wipe you face with it using a cotton ball. It's like rubbing alcohol, but a lot have acne fighting ingredients in them that rubbing alcohol doesn't. When you look at that cotton ball afterwards, you'll freak when you see all the dirt that was on your face, just from walking around school.

Yeah, and eat healthy. Well balanced diet, stay away from junk food, etc. I think that colored bags under the eyes can come from a lack of protein, so don't be just eating Ramen anymore. I know it's good, but you need a little protein too ;). Whether it's peanut butter, eggs, milk, anything, you need some. And eat whole grains. Not "white bread". It isn't as good for you.

Anyways, good luck with the girl, and I hope some of this helped!

Edit: I just asked my mom, and she said that bags under your eyes can also come from allergies. You may not think you have allergies to something, but that might be the only symptom.

Edit 2: Hmmm, I guess that bags don't come from lack of sleep, but are aggravated by it. It actually comes from a digestive system problem, a build up of mucous or some other crap? That's what Google told me anyways.

04-15-2007, 09:20 AM
I have dark areas under my eyes, it makes me look... almost sick or something. What is that caused by? How do I fix it?

We call this CRT glare. It's a sign...it means you're one of us.

Could be worse. My nickname used to be Skeletor. (fortunately, i'm one of those people to whom nicknames just don't stick.)


04-15-2007, 09:42 AM
Dark bags can come from sleep deprivation, stress, all sorts of stuff. Do you tend to stay up late and wake up early? Like, sleep 1:00-6:00? That would cause it.

Acne.. Best advice I can give is don't be touching it with you hands. The oils on your fingers can make it worse. Only touch it when you washing your face, or shaving (stuff like that). Also, wash your face with a good "acne wash". It may make you feel gay walking down the store aisles holding a tube of acne wash, but it can help. And, if lets say, you come home from school and you feel a pimple coming in, but you don't want to wash your face, buy some astringent and wipe you face with it using a cotton ball. It's like rubbing alcohol, but a lot have acne fighting ingredients in them that rubbing alcohol doesn't. When you look at that cotton ball afterwards, you'll freak when you see all the dirt that was on your face, just from walking around school.

Yeah, and eat healthy. Well balanced diet, stay away from junk food, etc. I think that colored bags under the eyes can come from a lack of protein, so don't be just eating Ramen anymore. I know it's good, but you need a little protein too ;). Whether it's peanut butter, eggs, milk, anything, you need some. And eat whole grains. Not "white bread". It isn't as good for you.

Anyways, good luck with the girl, and I hope some of this helped!

Edit: I just asked my mom, and she said that bags under your eyes can also come from allergies. You may not think you have allergies to something, but that might be the only symptom.

Edit 2: Hmmm, I guess that bags don't come from lack of sleep, but are aggravated by it. It actually comes from a digestive system problem, a build up of mucous or some other crap? That's what Google told me anyways.


I thought of something that might help. Cucumbers. I mean thats what girls use them for isn't it??

lol oh god that would be funny. Facial cream and cucumbers. Damn, if I do that, I'm going to take a picture. lol

Pff, CRT Glare my ass. I'm using an LCD! ;)

**Also found this. Avon Eye Something mahjigger. (http://www.amazon.com/Avon-Advanced-Eye-Perfector-Peptides/dp/B0007VZ5D4/ref=sr_1_1/002-1969664-3922444?ie=UTF8&s=beauty&qid=1176644709&sr=1-1)

04-15-2007, 09:55 AM
1) Sorry Snowfire. My response was a bit daft really, you were asking a serious question. .Maleficus., i +Repped you for answering with some useful information.

2) I should stress again that this not a medical forum. :) Although i admit you might feel like a bit of a tit going the doctors and saying "Hey, do you think my eyes are a bit dark?" so i think we can let this one go. (It's not GT40's near death experience with the phone line, cutting his own leg open with a knife, and crawling to the doctors after all)


04-15-2007, 10:07 AM
Understood Dave. ^_^

I got all the info I needed so I'm outta here! Thanks again guys!

Mal, I would +rep you but it seems I already have. :P

As I no longer need it, thread locked.