View Full Version : Craft Stick Airplane PC

06-02-2005, 10:23 AM
I started this project a couple of months ago, but had not posted it here. So, to catch you all up...

I've been building with craft sticks and Elmer's glue for over ten years now. I haven't done much lately but build some homes for my daughters toys to live in. About a year ago, out of sheer boredom and no money for modding, I spent the better part of a week building an airplane. The airplane is approximately 3 feet long and has a 3 foot wingspan. Since I finished it, it has been sitting in my basment collecting dust. Yesterday while at school, it dawned on me that I could probably work a PC into the configuation.

So it begins. I'll be using my handy Via Epia V10000 with 512MB PC133, a 20GB HD, CD drive and a 140 watt PSU. These are all the parts from my now totally dismantled UFO PC.

Here's my box of 1000 extra sticks.

http://img73.exs.cx/img73/549/craft12tl.th.jpg (http://img73.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img73&image=craft12tl.jpg)

And the body of the pane, partly torn up, with the same ruler.

http://img73.exs.cx/img73/5299/craft36wm.th.jpg (http://img73.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img73&image=craft36wm.jpg)

And with the PSU in place.

http://img73.exs.cx/img73/4465/craft52vk.th.jpg (http://img73.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img73&image=craft52vk.jpg)

The mobo.

http://img73.exs.cx/img73/9153/craft68xz.th.jpg (http://img73.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img73&image=craft68xz.jpg)

http://img73.exs.cx/img73/8176/craft76zl.th.jpg (http://img73.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img73&image=craft76zl.jpg)

The front of the plane empty.

http://img73.exs.cx/img73/2320/craft86dp.th.jpg (http://img73.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img73&image=craft86dp.jpg)

06-02-2005, 10:24 AM
I started work on the propellers. I will be leaving the fans as is.

First the 60mm fan

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/propeller1.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=propeller1.jpg)

Then I cut the fan away from the square

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/propeller2.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=propeller2.jpg)

And added wood support to their backs.

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/propeller3.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=propeller3.jpg)

And added beams that I could slide into place

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/propeller4.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=propeller4.jpg)

Attached the beams

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/propeller5.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=propeller5.jpg)

And slid them into the wing with a clamp and some gorilla glue

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/propeller6.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=propeller6.jpg)

Next up, was to prpare the HD.

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/planehd.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=planehd.jpg)

I moved the PSU to the back. That way the cable could come out of the back of the plane.

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/pwrcable.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=pwrcable.jpg)

Some pics of where I am so far. Everything is connected. I'll be using a external CD drive for this since my ports will be covered.

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/side1.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=side1.jpg)

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/side2.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=side2.jpg)

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/side3.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=side3.jpg)

Then I added support rods to the wings. These will attach to the plane without destroying the board.

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/thumbs/17/support.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=support.jpg)

06-02-2005, 10:26 AM
I got the wings on. I've figured a way to mount the wings and still have the I/O port visible under the right wing. As you can see the fans (propellers)are on the wings.

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/17/wings1.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=wings1.jpg)

Here's an overhead shot of the mobo.

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/17/wings2.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=wings2.jpg)

And the side where I'll have access to the ports.

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/17/wings3.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=wings3.jpg)

Everything has been connected, so I booted up. Everything works.

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/17/powered1.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=powered1.jpg)

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/17/powered2.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=powered2.jpg)

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/17/powered3.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=powered3.jpg)

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/17/powered4.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=powered4.jpg)

http://img17.paintedover.com/uploads/17/powered5.jpg (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=17&f=powered5.jpg)

06-02-2005, 10:27 AM
I’ve finally gotten around to finishing the Airplane body.



What I’ve been able to do quite successfully is paste a whole line together and then tack them onto the plane to cover the PSU.



Next was to get a curved look out of the nose cone. Not an easy thing to do. Sometimes you'll see where I used tape just to hold the pieces in place while the glue dries.



Here’s where the PSU cord comes out the back.


Lastly, here’s the completed plane.



Link To Original Thread (http://www.thebestcasescenario.com/forum/showthread.php?t=595)