View Full Version : Merging firefox bookmarks lists?

05-07-2007, 02:26 PM
Hey guys. I use multiple computers and i want to have the same firefox bookmarks across all of them. I don't want a web based solution. I know how to find the file that contains the book mark list and i actually back up the list that is on my MacBook quite frequently. The problem i have is that i don't want to lose the bookmarks that are on my other PC.

What i want to know is, is it possible to merge the two lists?

I have thought up several possible solutions.

1. Copy each list and set the longer one to be the active list. Open up the shorter one and manually visit each page and add it to the primary list.

I think this might take to long but could be a possible solution if all else fails.

2. Move the shorter list to my macbook and use safari to import the list from the HTML file. After that, import the new Safari bookmarks to firefox.

It's sort of a simple round about way but it can be a pain trying to reorganize everything after that.

3. Manually open up the HTML files and edit them in a text editor of some sort.

I just came up with this one and it seems like it would be a simple way to compound the separate lists.

Any one have any methods that would be any easier?

I think someone needs to send the developers a letter that explains the need for an option to import bookmarks from a file and not directly from other web browsers.

Thanks for any and all help guys.

05-07-2007, 04:54 PM
You can export your bookmarks from one PC and import them to the other. You don't need extra programs to do this, just use organize bookmarks and use the import/export buttons. Then export the new, combined list.

It will work the same way if you import IE favorites too.

The only downside is that it will import it even if you already have it (e.g. if you have the same link(s) on both PCs)

05-07-2007, 05:21 PM
AH! Thank you. I would have never thought to look there. I think the reason i didn't notice it is because on my mac it is hidden in a menu. +rep this makes things so much simpler.

05-07-2007, 07:23 PM
Do your import/export then use google browser sync. If you're offline, you still have all your bookmarks, it integrates into firefox flawlessly and doesn't annoy you, plus it can link to your gmail account. Very easy, very useful.