View Full Version : Tutorial Request Box
05-14-2007, 05:46 PM
We had talked about trying this so I'll start it here. If there is a specific topic/technique that someone wants a tutorial on then post a request in here. If you see a request here that you feel you are qualified to cover, we would welcome your input and a tutorial if you're up to it. If you are working on a tutorial please drop a note here as well so others know that help is on the way. Thanks everyone, let's see how this works out.
05-15-2007, 08:25 PM
I have a request!
How do I remove the "glue-stuff" (isn't it a grease?) on my CPU to put on a new heatsink? Or is that not even possible?
05-15-2007, 08:34 PM
I have a request!
How do I remove the "glue-stuff" (isn't it a grease?) on my CPU to put on a new heatsink? Or is that not even possible?
Rubbing alchohol and a Q-tip.
05-16-2007, 06:11 AM
Or, like me, you could buy a bottle of TIM cleaner. I get Akasa stuff and it smells like lemon. It's great stuff, although a waste of money. Makes you look like a real pro though. :D
(Even though real pros laugh at noobs for buying stuff like that... ;))
05-16-2007, 07:15 AM
Rubbing alcohol on the CPU? Ill keep that on mind, since I have to change my heatsink next week, probably. Thanks :)
One question, that could be answered in a PM if it's too large for the topic : would I be able to do the Carbon Fiber paint on wood without an airbrush? (lol, I know im getting boring with that paint, but Im getting a laptop soon and I wanna paint an airflow base like that, so it'll fit with the laptop Im getting... just google ASUS G1 and you'll see by yourself)
05-16-2007, 07:42 AM
Rubbing alcohol on the CPU? Ill keep that on mind, since I have to change my heatsink next week, probably. Thanks :)
One question, that could be answered in a PM if it's too large for the topic : would I be able to do the Carbon Fiber paint on wood without an airbrush? (lol, I know im getting boring with that paint, but Im getting a laptop soon and I wanna paint an airflow base like that, so it'll fit with the laptop Im getting... just google ASUS G1 and you'll see by yourself)
Yep, Commando did a spray can carbon fiber tutorial here. (
05-16-2007, 07:43 AM
How to Power PC fans via a RCA Jack
05-16-2007, 03:17 PM
Id like a google sketchup quide on how to enlarge thing that arre imported and put them in a model.
05-16-2007, 04:50 PM
Id like a google sketchup quide on how to enlarge thing that arre imported and put them in a model.
Such as..? A picture?
File > Import. Click where on the model you want it, drag your mouse for the size.
Another model?
Add it to your scene, click the Tape Measure, click the 2 points you're measuring, and look at the bottom of the screen. It will say, Enter a value to Resize. Enter your number. Nothing pops up, but press the numbers, and then Enter. You'll get a conformation.
05-16-2007, 05:22 PM
Hmmm...this isn't working out quite like I'd hoped. Most of this could be moved to the modding Q&A section. I'm going to lock this for now. So far there is one request here that may call for a tutorial: Using RCA connections to power fans. The sketchup question and thermal paste question are more Q&A type stuff. For something to be classified in my mind as a tutorial, it should be beginning to end walkthrough to produce something with the use of pictures where possible. I'll go back to the drawing board on this thread and re-think it a bit. For now, if you have a tutorial request PM myself or one of the other moderators and we'll post it here. Thanks,
05-16-2007, 05:22 PM
Guys, the idea here is to ask for a tutorial. I know some answers are fairly quick, but lets try not to have this thread turn into a massive Q&A thread.
05-17-2007, 02:52 PM
So Far we have requests for tutorial on: If you are working on one of these please PM me and let me know.
1) Wiring case fans using RCA connections. [Eclecticos] DONE
2) A walkthrough on how to build with fiberglass (where to buy components, how to mix, how to mold, etc...) [Ichbin] DONE-Thanks Franklin!
05-27-2007, 12:20 PM
I am going to open this back up for a while to see how it goes with some restrictions. Use this thread to post requests only for any tutorials (including photoshop and sketchup). Here is how you should structure your request:
"Can someone show me how to add flames to text in photoshop?"
"Can someone describe the right way to wet-sand?"
Any simple questions that are not requests for tutorials will be moved to Q&A, and any other posts/comments that are not requests will be deleted (no reprimand, just lost). If you have any suggestions or comments about how to do this better post a thread in the chatterbox and we'll chat about it there. Thanks!
05-27-2007, 06:33 PM
Can someone describe how to work with styrene ?
05-28-2007, 12:24 AM
How to photograph your mods? someone is working on this
How to rate and compare power supplies?
How to power a fan using a ___(blank)___ connector? (USB, FireWire, etcDONE
Hope that helps.
06-19-2007, 03:32 AM
I would like to see a comprehensive "How to build a server computer for dummies".
I would like to see a comprehensive "How to build a server computer for dummies".
I'd be up for it, just need a little more info.. Using server 2003, ubuntu, fedora? What services do you want running? IIS, Apache, Perl, Python, (basic LAMP, WAMP) FTP?
06-19-2007, 06:39 AM
First basics of hardware requirements, then OS (maybe linux), and don't even know what most of the rest of those are. Like I said, for dummies.
06-19-2007, 06:40 AM
Maybe I should specify home server like a media storage server that other comps can access. Is that still a server?
07-03-2007, 06:16 PM
The fiberglass how-to is almost done, you folks are going to love this!
07-03-2007, 06:55 PM
How to power a fan using a ___(blank)___ connector? (USB, FireWire)
that would be cool, anyone know a place to get black or solderable usb 2.0 ports?
Maybe I should specify home server like a media storage server that other comps can access. Is that still a server?
Sorry, it's been a while since I've read this thread. At the most basic level, yes it is. I had a WinXP Pro box that sat in my basement with a few hard drives in it. Then, I shared whatever folders I needed to, and the other PC's in my house accessed music and movies through it. I started experimenting with Linux and Server 2003 so I moved everything that was in that box to an external HDD hooked up to my main system. I still have the media directory shared so I can access songs and stuff from my other PC.
Once we get moved to the new house, I'm probably going to be setting up 4 PC's. This one, one for the kids, an extra one for me, and then probably a server of some sort. I'll probably use Fedora 7 on the server to host a small intranet, a proxy so I can restrict certain sites for the kids. No sense in setting that up right now since we're going to be moving so soon. I promise I'll do a tutorial as I'm geting things set up.
07-05-2007, 02:08 AM
a tutorial on how to get a sponsor ? Already discussed (
06-25-2022, 03:56 AM
Yea, thats the bad part.
BLiZZaRD: can you create a tutorial for creating a flash audio/video recording interface? Ive got Flash Media Server now.
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