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View Full Version : Polite Request for the TBCS community, from the Staff

08-07-2007, 10:20 AM
Well, i'll get to the point. We all have lives outside of TBCS, and let's face, for 80% of our members, that life is really sucky. I know that there's nothing I like better, when I've had a bad day, than to sit down at the computer, look up TBCS, and enjoy some of the creative work, and the friendly atmosphere. It's a way for me to escape; in fact, i'm willing to bet that most of the people reading this are thinking "Yeah, that's exactly what TBCS is!" (many members following it up with "half an hour away from the wife!").

Anyway, I don't want to offend anyone, but there's been a lot of pretty depressing posts that have been posted recently: such as...



..so, well, i'd just like to see less of that, and more of this...


...well, I think that i'd enjoy TBCS more. I'm not telling you not to share things, and hell, everyone's allowed a rant once in a while...but flat out depressing posts, can lay off them for a couple of months? Please?

We're not going to penalise anyone for making depressing posts. We're just asking you to, when you come here, escape from that terrible life, and just have a good time. Leave your shoes at the door, that kind of thing.

Anyway, I hope you don't take this the wrong way. All we want is a few more cheerful posts and a couple less depressing ones. :)

Feel free to leave your comments on the matter. And bear in mind that all the TBCS staff are watching; I know my presence on the boards has slimmed down, but believe me when I say i'm still here. ;)


08-07-2007, 10:26 AM
maybe we should have one thread where everyone just tells about what something bad that just happened in our life so whoever wants to avoid the depressing thread can just move on around it.

08-07-2007, 10:30 AM
maybe we should have one thread where everyone just tells about what something bad that just happened in our life so whoever wants to avoid the depressing thread can just move on around it.

It doesn't help the staff here though. We read everything to see if it's appropriate for the forum or not.

Thanks for the thread Dave.

08-07-2007, 10:36 AM
Even though I don't have to read the posts since I'm not a moderating staff member...

I agree. Lets try to keep this forum all dandelions and teddy-bears.

08-07-2007, 10:41 AM
woot teddy bears!

08-07-2007, 10:47 AM

08-07-2007, 10:49 AM
Ok, I know I said happy...but if I was on that Bus, I'd be jumping off and hitch hiking.


08-07-2007, 10:51 AM
Ok, I know I said happy...but if I was on that Bus, I'd be jumping off and hitch hiking.


Don't be such a drag, Dave!

08-07-2007, 10:53 AM
i wish you guys were here to see my bosses face when he heard the video playin...

08-07-2007, 11:09 AM
It doesn't help the staff here though. We read everything to see if it's appropriate for the forum or not.
You can always have them put a tag on it and make me a moderator, lol. I'll read through them and if there's anything in them I'll notify someone and/or do something about it.

Just a suggestion. Hint Hint

But yeah, I find it helps to talk with someone about things on my mind, better than bottling it in to come out as a form of a rant that gets interpreted wrong, like what happened to me earlier in the year, ugh. At least here we have reasonable individuals and not... gah! A rant! We can't have this! lol :D

08-07-2007, 11:17 AM
Just a suggestion. Hint Hint

We got 2 Admins, 3 Mods, A secret amount of Secret Agents, 2 modcasters, and a new preacorian. Not to mention...Paul Capello himself.

Don't take it the wrong way, but we're not looking for anyone else at the moment-this ship is so full it's in danger of capsizing!


08-07-2007, 11:19 AM
I know, I'm more or less kidding around. I don't even know if I'd be good at moderating or not, lol. If you guys need me though, I'll be around. lol

08-07-2007, 11:27 AM
asking to be a mod is the wrong way about it,

You need to show initive, Kiss some ass, and slip dave some migit & donkey mags (Don't forget without sticky pages)

Plus a member of staff will contact you when they feel they need more staff and/or they feel you have deamed yourself a worthy person with an imparsial view good enough to be a mod.

Plus you have to be active for quite a while.

Anyway, back on topic,

I went through a stage of ignoring the chit chat section, mainly because of the down threads, personaly it annoyed me, we all have crap, we use TBCS to get away from it, only to find more crap.

Infact i was seriously thinking of ignoring the C&C section if it carrys on the way it is.

my $0.02 (£0.01)

08-07-2007, 11:31 AM
Meh... note to self, jokes can be taken wrong. In other news, I know I need to do stuff... but meh, I'll drop it, and no, I'm not offended. I have this little habit where I tend to go about stuff the wrong way, even humor. I'll give it more thought and not be such an idiot at times. /shrug Don't worry about me, I'm fine.

08-07-2007, 11:32 AM
You need to show initive, Kiss some ass, and slip dave some migit & donkey mags (Don't forget without sticky pages)

Which Reminds me, thanks to all the SSA's, that lot should keep me going till November. ;)

Apart from you Gaz...this one looks used mate...


08-07-2007, 11:33 AM
Meh... note to self, jokes can be taken wrong. In other news, I know I need to do stuff... but meh, I'll drop it, and no, I'm not offended. I have this little habit where I tend to go about stuff the wrong way, even humor. I'll give it more thought and not be such an idiot at times. /shrug Don't worry about me, I'm fine.

I didn't mean to come off like that, its just with the rubbish posts that dave mentioned put be in a bit of a ,,,SEWWWWWGJGJfgdfgdf&^%^

anyway, i was messing about, hence the part about pasing dave migit and donkey mags,,hint hint,

And keep the jokes comming, there chearing me up.

08-07-2007, 11:34 AM
I know, like I said, I'm not offended. And I'm glad to be making someone laugh with my ridiculous brand of humor. I actually don't subscribe to that brand of magazine... I'll take a look into it, lol. :D

08-07-2007, 11:40 AM
We got 2 Admins, 3 Mods, A secret amount of Secret Agents, 2 modcasters, and a new preacorian. Not to mention...Paul Capello himself.

Don't take it the wrong way, but we're not looking for anyone else at the moment-this ship is so full it's in danger of capsizing!


I still never got that Secret Agent :( what the hell is happening with that whole project anyway.

08-07-2007, 11:41 AM
It's a secret...

08-07-2007, 11:42 AM
I still never got that Secret Agent :( what the hell is happening with that whole project anyway.

If I told you, I would have to kill you, then dave would make sure I killed you, then kill me for telling you.

And this bunny also :bunny:

08-07-2007, 11:43 AM
...-this ship is so full it's in danger of capsizing!


OK OK I get it, back on your heads. I will be in the engine room providing ballast...

08-07-2007, 11:47 AM
This ship has an engine? Crap, full steam ahead! Or does it have an engine room?


08-07-2007, 11:50 AM
This ship has an engine? Crap, full steam ahead! Or does it have an engine room?


You mean i can stop swimming with a rope in my mouth?

08-07-2007, 12:05 PM
haha...this is why i love you guys.... we can take a completely serious...kinda... subject and make it completely funny....yet still _slightly_ sticking to the original subject

08-07-2007, 12:26 PM
Me and Eck will make sure that the orders provided over the megaphone are of good quality and edited properly!

Crazy Buddhist
08-07-2007, 12:49 PM
When I have read people's honest outpourings I have felt quite proud of TBCS that the sense of community is strong and people feel it can handle their honesty. I have tried to respond in a helpful way if I think I have something of value for the peson.

I also posted a not exactly inspiring post recently. It was factual and had a practical purpose nevertheless. But I closed the thread so it didn't turn into anything but just got noticed by who it got noticed by and then slipped off the radar.

I'm left feeling a bit ambivalent about the nature of this thread. It makes TBCS look like a weaker community than I had thought it. But maybe the answer has already been posted. Someone mentioned having a seperate thread. I think thats a good idea. A lot of the people here have rallied around those who face struggles.

Maybe this is a space where it feels safe for them and they don't have that elsewhere. I believe any community is stronger by making space for people in whatever way it can and I also do see this community as strong enough to help sustain people in this way.

I'm sure there's a way it's workable but I fear this thread is going to make some people feel pretty ****ty about themselves when they read it. I'm sorry for the moderators if they are feeling overwhelmed by this kind of post but - as Royken volunteered - an alternative moderator for that thread could make sense if you guys really struggle with it.

My 2p worth :)


08-07-2007, 12:57 PM
A seperate forum for all this stuff couldn't hurt... we're bound to have plenty space on the server HDD, lol.

08-07-2007, 01:02 PM
A seperate forum for all this stuff couldn't hurt... we're bound to have plenty space on the server HDD, lol.

I agree.

08-07-2007, 01:06 PM
Let me be the first to say that this is a website for computer modding and technology discussion, not blogging

I hate to be rude, just saying is all.

It's not that hard to register on blogger if you want. And that way, TBCS mods don't have to sift through it doesn't clog the forum. If you do get a blog, just do what I do, put a small link in your sig so that if somebody is interested they can check it out themselves

08-07-2007, 01:09 PM
Let me be the first to say that this is a website for computer modding and technology discussion, not blogging

I hate to be rude, just saying is all.

It's not that hard to register on blogger if you want. And that way, TBCS mods don't have to sift through it doesn't clog the forum. If you do get a blog, just do what I do, put a small link in your sig so that if somebody is interested they can check it out themselves

I don't believe anyone said anything about "blogging."

08-07-2007, 01:11 PM
A seperate forum for all this stuff couldn't hurt... we're bound to have plenty space on the server HDD, lol.
A depressing forum? Who would ever want to read that!?

And I think I'm with the mods on this one; another mod/special job person would be a waste. We'd soon be having more mods then regular users!

If you want to alert a mod about a depressing/spam/offensive/out-line-post use the "Report Post" at the bottom of the post. The mods are very responsive to it, hell, I've reported spam posts and 2 minutes later had a PM from AJ thanking me for reporting them. If you find something depressing, report it with an explanation like "This is kinda a downer.." and a mod will edit it to a more acceptable level.


I don't believe anyone said anything about "blogging."
I think he meant that if you want to express your feelings about depressing things or just rant about unrelated things, get a blog. The Chatterbox may be an OT section, but I don't think it is intended for talk of your personal life. More like things that people can relate to, or have something to do with computers that just doesn't fit in a different forum.

08-07-2007, 01:14 PM
I don't believe anyone said anything about "blogging."

No, but making threads/posts about how ****ty or good your day/week was, etc, is the kind of thing people should put in a blog. Hence me bringing it up.

08-07-2007, 01:22 PM
Ooh ooh! We could have a personal blog forum! That would be great! Put MySpace out of business! Yay!

Not a depressive forum, something like an "I'm not doing good, any advice?" or "Hey guys! Check out this! I gots a new job, mansion, yacht and a million dollar toilet!" type forum. Why so negative all the time?

08-07-2007, 01:55 PM
Ooh ooh! We could have a personal blog forum! That would be great! Put MySpace out of business! Yay!

Not a depressive forum, something like an "I'm not doing good, any advice?" or "Hey guys! Check out this! I gots a new job, mansion, yacht and a million dollar toilet!" type forum. Why so negative all the time?
Either way, this still isn't a personal life forum. It's a modding forum.

But, I guess it isn't up to me, so if the mods decide that it would be good to have a personal life forum, then it shall be.

08-07-2007, 01:59 PM
Meh, just a suggestion. I know it's a modding forum, doesn't mean we can't have a small section, we mod here and chat like good friends (most of us I think, anyway) here and there's no harm in that, at least not that I can see.

08-07-2007, 02:12 PM
we have a forum for chit chat....we call it the chatterbox, this thread exists in it...

believe me ...there have been several types of forum sections ive thought of that we could *use* because of the number of threads here on that subject.. but it would be a waste of space BECAUSE this is a case modding forum

08-07-2007, 02:25 PM
/me solemnly promises not to lower the tone of the Forums. (any more than I already have, just by being here. :p)

08-07-2007, 02:31 PM
In that case, anyone have a myspace? Let's move this crap over... let's stop bickering about all of this, it's annoying me to no extent. PM me if you're interested and we can all subscribe to each other's blogs or some **** like that if anyone cares. Meh, (some of) you guys want to only use things for their "sole intended use"? Fine by me. I use whatever functions of a device/object/whatever that I wish to use...

LINK (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/forum)

Basically means a place for discussion. But yeah, let's end this "debate", it's not helping anyone. Agreed?

08-07-2007, 02:38 PM
Facebook works just as good ;)

08-07-2007, 02:40 PM
I'll keep that in mind too, forgot about that, lol. I'll do that later, not in tha mood at the moment, lol... adrenaline's going for some reason, ugh. Too much debatin' for one day, I usually don't do this too much too often, bluargh.

08-07-2007, 02:48 PM
Keep in mind everyone, no one has done anything wrong and we do understand that you guys want to talk about stuff here. We don't mind you guys asking questions and chatting about problems and such on occasion, infact I'm glad to see that you are all comfortable in this community. The only reason we mentioned it is that it seems like there have been an awful lot of gloomy posts lately and we're afraid you guys may be bringing each other down. I am very pleased to see how much support you give one another, just want to stress that thinking positive can go a long way. You folks are the best!


Crazy Buddhist
08-07-2007, 03:32 PM
Oh im sorry guys this is a long post. Its not a downer though :)

we're afraid you guys may be bringing each other down. I am very pleased to see how much support you give one another, just want to stress that thinking positive can go a long way. You folks are the best!


I think the level of support is indicative of the opposite to reiterate what I said earlier about this being a strong community. It seems that people have found strength from others suppoort and experience. Maybe this has brought others out of the woodwork, and given them a sense of "wow this is a place where people who mod (like me) sometimes feel down (like me) and are man enough to talk about it and get support ... and I can too " :) I see that as no bad thing.

I'm also aware that TBCS is owned outright by Paul Capello and I for one have not been around for long so know I have little input into the eventual outcome of this or any other discussion. Yet I get the impression,without wishing to brown-nose, that Paul is a strong person and his strength is what holds this little gathering of oddbod-modders together and keeps it functioning in some not insignificant ways - even if he is not visably present all over the forum.

I am afraid the way the subject was breached - and Dave this is not a personal criticism in any way cos you had a crap role to play there that I for one would not have wanted - could leave people feeling like they have done the wrong thing, feeling more down for posting their posts and make others less likely to feel they will be supported when they need it (and less likely to post which was the intention of course).

As I said I am new. I don't want to cause trouble but am a little troubled by how this gets resolved. I would be surprised if this or similar issues haven't come up before. I'm also experienced which is probably why I have got 3 rep boxes and am like 43 highest rep out of seven hundred and something registered users in less than a month (one month anniversary Friday yay ! :D looool). And funnily a lot of my +rep feedback is for giving constructive advice - both about computers but as often, if not more so perhaps, about life.

But ... also I have questions. Is this how it's been dealt with in the past? Has that strategy "succeeded"? How often do people get on this roll? I'm just wondering - you know if it is a regular thing - if finding a way to accomodate it that people who just want "happy modding" can easily avoid would be worth a try. How about two threads:

"Life's a beach" - happy modders tales

"Life's a bitch" - for those who need to reach out and have a witness or find support and those willing to try and help.

For those who "just wanna have fun" they know not to look at the bitch thread. easy :up:

Just my £1.78 (and thats all your getting)'s worth (I promise)


... timeout to check rep stats ...

2 x being generous
1 x being funny
1 x being in need
2 x giving technical help
2 x telling a good story
2 x helping someone who is depressed

Hmmm ... so its not all about modding here lol

Crazy Buddhist
08-07-2007, 03:58 PM

Here's something to make you smile...

NO WAY DUDE -jdbnsn

(slightly naughty...)

I was smiling then fell off my stool laughing

+rep :D


08-07-2007, 03:58 PM

Here's something to make you smile...

NO WAY DUDE -jdbnsn

(slightly naughty...)

OMG :eek: wow, someone actually really loose is precious time to do this? LMAO :D

08-07-2007, 08:33 PM
Happy thoughts and modding people that is all.

I agree with the general point the forum is envisioned for the one true art Case Modding. While it is nice to shoot the breeze with you lot. I feel we should not do life stories.

08-07-2007, 09:27 PM
If I told you, I would have to kill you, then dave would make sure I killed you, then kill me for telling you.

And this bunny also :bunny:

I'm willing to take the risk.

Ill take you all on.. Mwhahaha

08-07-2007, 10:25 PM
Heres something thats not depressing, just ridiculously cute.

Two of my cats I found today when I came home.


08-07-2007, 11:12 PM
Cats are so awesome. <3 :bunny:

08-07-2007, 11:16 PM
But ... also I have questions. Is this how it's been dealt with in the past? Has that strategy "succeeded"?
From my little over a year on here, I'll try to answer this.

People join the forum all the time. But it seems like there are periods of a week to a few weeks when we have 10 or 20 new users online all the time. Posting all over the place and all day (when I first joined I did this too, so nobody think I'm making myself holier-than-thou). With all the posting and unhelpful/post-whoring/spammy posts made, things get out of hand. There have been a few cases (2 that come to mind are a thread in th OA forum and "coffee"..) when things have gotten very out of hand and action like this has been taken. A thread has been made (as a warning or friendly request) to stop what's going on, and in a few days, things get back to normal. Then, a few months later, the cycle repeats.

So, long story short, yes, making a thread, talking it out, and resolving it usually works.

*Mods please edit this if I've said more than I should have or you feel I was out of my place saying it*

Edit: Oh, and SnowFire, that pic put a huge smile on my face :D

Crazy Buddhist
08-08-2007, 03:15 AM
From my little over a year on here, I'll try to answer this.

People join the forum all the time. But it seems like there are periods of a week to a few weeks when we have 10 or 20 new users online all the time. Posting all over the place and all day (when I first joined I did this too, so nobody think I'm making myself holier-than-thou). With all the posting and unhelpful/post-whoring/spammy posts made, things get out of hand.

That's not exactly the topic under discussion.

ps But man what with that (for I fully fit the description) and other posts referencing me over-posting (below) I'd feeling really great now ... if my self-esteem in any way depended on this community. There is the fact that I get +rep and positive feedback from a lot of people because of my high post rate but again I try not to let that affect my self-esteem either. Real self-esteem comes from within. This is what people who get depressed, over-post innapropriately in a forum, do drugs and stuff share: they don't have the internally generated, known sense of self-esteem that is the bedrock of being an effective grown-up human being. They are always looking for it from outside. When you bark at them and they run off they just look elsewhere or give up. When you find a way to engage and bolster their self-esteem you become part of the solution not part of the problem.

The report post systems, admins and mods, and PM systems are all there for purposes. You can -ve rep someone anonymously and tell them why too. Publicly criticising people in forum threads is offensive, unnecessary and leads to flame wars. If you want a working forum don't stamp on the stuff you don't like - deal with it gently. Using the tools built in to the system. Then instead of having a repetative pattern of behaviour you will grow and develop into a bigger, wider, stronger community.

Both of these public posts with -ve contextual connotations might better have been dealt with by any of the more delicate and less shaming mechanisms available to us all.

(Although i think that Budda has the highst post per day rate)

(Why are you resurrecting so many dead threads too?)

08-08-2007, 07:03 AM
Crazy, I see what you're trying to say, but I think you and a few other guys are getting the wrong end of the stick.

There are rules against posting certain things. There's rules against posting SPAM, Porn, and Medical Advice. There's rules against trying to sell things. Every time we bring in a new rules, the community gets pissy, then settles down. A few people feel constrained by the fact that they can't post about being cruel to animals, for example. But we didn't want to hear about how they stuck a cat in a microwave.

It's a similar idea here, but at the same time, wholly different. It's up to you if you want to post something that's upset you, or if you want to talk about a problem you're having. We've had plenty of "I can't get a girlfriend" threads, for example. We don't really mind. We're never going to make a rule that says "Don't post depressing stuff".

However, you yourself locked your thread. Why? Is it because you didn't want to discuss the matter? Or is it because really, you knew it didn't belong here?

This is a case modding forum. People come here to escape, to learn, at the end of the day, to belong. It's pretty unusual to have case modders living anywhere near each other; just look at the frapper map!

The point I'm trying to make is that we're all human, we all need help, and sometimes we turn to TBCS because it's a community of like-minded people. But there's some things that don't belong here; as has been pointed out, this is not a blog. If you have something that you really want to say, then that is the place to do so.

The amount of reputation points I've received for starting this thread suggests to me that everyone's thinking this; they were just waiting for someone to say it.

Yes, it may cause self esteem issues; but we're not agony uncles and aunts here. We're modders. Always have been, always will be. If you don't post your problems here, and this is the nutty part, you might actually post them where someone can actually help. Because, again, nutty as it sounds, this is not the only website on the internet.

This is open for discussion; it's not a rule, it's never going to be a rule, and my position isn't going to change. I'm only making a polite request. But make sure you keep your discussion civilised and well structured. I don't want to see any more crap on this.


Crazy Buddhist
08-08-2007, 07:24 AM
However, you yourself locked your thread. Why? Is it because you didn't want to discuss the matter? Or is it because really, you knew it didn't belong here?

I locked my thread for the reasons stated: It could either be something someone knows they might help with or not. I didn't want it to develop into people asking me what it was about because I feel that could well have developed into something inappropriate. So locking it avoided it becoming painful or innapropriate.

I did not feel it was an innapropriate post but that enough of you had a sense of who I am by now that if someone might be able to help they would PM me. Two people have done so and I am thankful. Everything I said in it is true but by locking it it also meant it didn't hang around ... just fell off the end.

It has achieved its purpose and my need is real and urgent. If the long shot I took pays off it may save my life. So if you think it was innappropriate, I am sorry, but I was taking, as I said, a long shot and doing it in a responsible way without graphically going into painful detail of what it is about.

But make sure you keep your discussion civilised and well structured. I don't want to see any more crap on this.


I am not posting "crap" here and find that a bit insulting in the circumstances. "Is that an example of civilised discussion"?

08-08-2007, 07:44 AM
I didn't mean to say you were overposting. I meant that with all the new users, and so many of them, there is just a lot of posting in general. All the posting makes moderation harder, and more action has to be taken to stop a problem when one does arise because a thread (for example, this thread) can grow 6 pages in a day. There's a lot of things to keep tabs on, and it makes mods jobs harder, so posting a thread, asking for whatever is going on to stop, and letting the community talk it out is what works. Because with the thread reaching so many people, people find out what needs to stop and it eventually stops.

You can use the rep system, PMs, or any other way of telling someone what they are doing may need to stop, but that still doesn't reach everyone, and telling each individual person one-by-one to stop when they do something when you could post one thread seems trivial.

08-08-2007, 09:27 AM
I am not posting "crap" here and find that a bit insulting in the circumstances. "Is that an example of civilised discussion"?

I was referring to earlier posts that have been handled by the moderators. It was a general reply and not entirely directed at you. I think you're taking this a little personally.

As I've made clear, we didn't delete your thread. We didn't lock it. We're not governing what you can and cannot post. I'm just expressing an opinion shared between the staff, and it would appear from the feedback, the majority of our members.

This is not a personal attack at you or any other member.


Crazy Buddhist
08-08-2007, 09:35 AM

sorry it wasn't clear you were making a general statement


08-08-2007, 10:53 AM
Back to holding **** in 'til I blow up again for me... *sigh*
On the other hand, I guess I can try to entrust my problems with people I trust, this is a wobsite, anyone can come here, screw that. Any old weirdo could come in here and possibly hurt someone big time, not good. I'ma quit at least of safety/security reasons.

EDIT: And let's please stop calling it depressive stuff, that' kind of... lame. It's more like problems people are having and they (at least I) feel as though it would help to tell someone or even discuss it to find a solution or at least let it off their back a little bit. I actually kind of like talking with people about their problems and I try to discuss what to possibly do, I know I'm only 18, but I'm not an idiot about things. For some reason it doesn't effect me quite as much to hear/read what's going on in someone's life, mainly because I try to help them out and that makes me feel a bit better inside. But meh, to each his own, if the posting of "depressive ****" on the forums, so be it.

08-08-2007, 11:17 AM
this is a wobsite,

Yes, and anyone and his cat on the world wide wob can read it.:D
It's not like this site is hard to find.

08-08-2007, 11:26 AM
This is where the "this is not a blog" topic comes back into place. If you want to vent, or just let something out into the open, get a blog. I have one that I do the exact thing to. I complain to myself, I talk about how some things really piss me off, and most importantly, I get things off of my mind that are too personal to do elsewhere.

If posting this stuff here is for the sake of feedback and suggestions, find the people on here you trust most and ask them to set up a blog account too. They can comment your blog just like a forum, and you can do the same for them. Like a "TBCS Blogger" group.

08-08-2007, 11:42 AM
The one problem with a blag is that nobody reads mine, lol... I have only a few friends on MySpace and they all have at least 100 others, lol... if anyone else has a MySpace and wants to be on my friend's list, PM me.

08-08-2007, 11:44 AM
Note: The following is a general statement, not aimed at anyone in particular.

As Dave has said, this is a modding website and I predominantly come here to talk about and learn about computer case modding.
Sure we have a Chatterbox section for off topic stuff, because it's fun to share things with friends (and I consider a LOT of you friends even though we have never met in person) and sometimes it is good to share problems with friends.

However, this is a very public place and not really the spot to share very deep and personal problems, even if it is with friends. Just as if you were traveling on a bus riding on a packed train with your friends, you wouldn't yell loudly about a very personal problem so the whole group of strangers could know about what is going on in your life because they have no choice but to hear you.
I have had things happen to me in life that I have wanted to share with friends and I do, just not in a very public forum as I know it's not the place to do it.

I certainly don't want to see a dedicated thread, let alone a section of the forum on here just to post up your personal problems. If you must tell the world about your every little thing that has happened and why everything is bad, go and get a MySpace account and if your online friends want to hear about it, they can go there.

When Crimson Sky started this place, I can't imagine it was for some of the threads that have been around in the chatterbox would ever be here. From animal cruelty to rape, to suicidal feelings to dead pets, it's all been here and it pretty much all doesn't belong.

I was one of the people who +repped Dave because this had been discussed in the staff forums before and none of us really wanted to post on the subject because it's bound to bring up peoples emotions and cause heated discussion.

Modding Computers is supposed to be fun, coming here and talking about it is supposed to be fun, learning about modding is supposed to be fun. Sharing humour with other modders is fun.
Reading depressing threads is NOT fun.

08-08-2007, 11:56 AM
Honestly, I have a facebook account, I know Simon does, one of our female modders just added me, as well as JBDSN. It is great for that sort of thing and we do have a
it's free, it's VERY secure, and it's easy to use.
It's all the same really, whether it's the Facebook group or something else another member comes up with, it's a start. A blog group was just an example, but I agree, if you would like to post personal things, that's the place to do it.

08-08-2007, 02:38 PM
Well, aboot the morons with their blags on MySpace, I just ignore them. I have a few friends on their I like to talk to, almost everyone else on that wobsite are morons. I also agree with Bucko about all the crap that doesn't belong, I'm starting to see that now (it takes me some thinking before I change my mind, probably a good thing), and I also agree with "Jimmy" there, we should close this thread.

In other news, I'll maybe get around to making an account on Facebook, we'll see.

08-08-2007, 04:54 PM
In that case, anyone have a myspace?
MySpace is like a dark alley: you don't want to go there.

I personally think the MySpace servers need to all be deleted; too many predators, freaks, and just plain idiots that shouldn't be on the internet.

As Ryoken said above: [/thread]

Crazy Buddhist
08-08-2007, 05:02 PM
MySpace is like a dark alley: you don't want to go there.

Yep .. best way to get a virus, worm or rootkit on yr PC is to trawl Myspace :(


08-08-2007, 05:37 PM
I have a myspace account and I've met some wonderful people via MySpace.
Including someone who has changed vast aspects my life who I've met in person and care about deeply, so don't knock it.

It's kind of like talk radio, if you don't like it, stop paying attention to it.

Oh, and the freaks, weirdos, pervs, and nutjobs have always and will always be there. It's just on social networking, they have their own little corner of the world to express those things. Instead of being repressed or ignored by society, which furthers their feelings of being outcasts and in turn, contemptuous.

Some people don't have a personal space to write about these things in or people to talk to. It seems that they come here and as long as it doesn't turn into some damned pity party, I see nothing wrong with it.
Oh, and for the record, keeping a written journal is so much more personal and useful than blogging.

Crazy Buddhist
08-08-2007, 05:53 PM
I have a myspace account and I've met some wonderful people via MySpace.
Including someone who has changed vast aspects my life who I've met in person and care about deeply, so don't knock it.

It's kind of like talk radio, if you don't like it, stop paying attention to it.

Oh, and the freaks, weirdos, pervs, and nutjobs have always and will always be there. It's just on social networking, they have their own little corner of the world to express those things. Instead of being repressed or ignored by society, which furthers their feelings of being outcasts and in turn, contemptuous.

Some people don't have a personal space to write about these things in or people to talk to. It seems that they come here and as long as it doesn't turn into some damned pity party, I see nothing wrong with it.
Oh, and for the record, keeping a written journal is so much more personal and useful than blogging.

nil8 - everything you say I agree with and so is everthing I said true unfortunately.

shhh ! but ... I have a myspace account too ;) if anyone wants to add me (http://www.myspace.com/irreverentbuddhist). And a blog (http://freedomforall.net/) and a journal (but that's not for anyone but me and it's not on the web !)


08-08-2007, 05:59 PM
Oh, and for the record, keeping a written journal is so much more personal and useful than blogging.
That's what I am doing. It seems to help more and I'm getting somewhat tired of typing... I seem to pull my thoughts together better when writing at the end of the day... it's quite helpful.

08-08-2007, 06:05 PM
That's what I am doing. It seems to help more and I'm getting somewhat tired of typing... I seem to pull my thoughts together better when writing at the end of the day... it's quite helpful.

You know what I realized? when you write your expectation when you start the day, it help focus and walk straight. THat way, you write again at the end of the day and you can see if you achieve what you wanted and know what to correct. Just my 2 cents

08-08-2007, 06:15 PM
You know what I realized? when you write your expectation when you start the day, it help focus and walk straight. THat way, you write again at the end of the day and you can see if you achieve what you wanted and know what to correct. Just my 2 cents

I'll try that... sounds like a good idea. I'll possibly start tomorrow, I've been writing on and off for about a week or two now, I forget to some nights or am just too damn tired, lol. Thanks for the idea sly, +rep.

08-08-2007, 07:43 PM
nil, keeping a written journal is only better when you're venting to yourself. But a lot of the depressing/personal posts here have been looking for advice too, in which case it doesn't really help much.

08-08-2007, 08:38 PM
I don't vent in my journal, at least not right now, I write down ideas, just so you know, lol. My thoughts, not just rants go in there.

You're right about the other stuff though, if you have a problem, it (usually) doesn't hurt to seek for help, and I would trust most people on here more than people I know in person.

08-08-2007, 10:18 PM
I don't vent in my journal, at least not right now, I write down ideas, just so you know, lol. My thoughts, not just rants go in there.

You're right about the other stuff though, if you have a problem, it (usually) doesn't hurt to seek for help, and I would trust most people on here more than people I know in person.

In other hand, one of my brother (the one I'm closest to) think we live in a virtual world where truth can be bend to our advantage (Not that I do so, or think you do) It's true that I trust more people online then offline, but to be true, even there you have to choose your friends wisely.

Don't know if this post was a good idea, it was a converation I had with my bro yesterday.

08-08-2007, 11:49 PM
By "on here", I mean the forums, lol. Not any old nutjob that starts yackin' with me, lol.

08-09-2007, 04:49 AM
I'm not going to close this thread until everyone has had their say. At that point, it will sink and die like any other thread. When it does, the matter will be settled, and we'll all know where we stand. :)

Just remember-this is not a rule. If you still feel like you have no post, we're not going to stop you. We won't be happy, but unless you've crossed that invisible line, then we're not going to do anything about it. :)


Crazy Buddhist
08-09-2007, 04:52 AM
We won't be happy, but unless you've crossed that invisible line, then we're not going to do anything about it. :)


Thank the lord I put my X-ray glasses on today - otherwise I wouldn't have a clue where I stood :D

08-09-2007, 03:20 PM

I just tripped over the invisible line.
*goes to find some safety tape*


08-09-2007, 03:52 PM
Get it all out of your system, I'm locking this in about an hour. :)

08-10-2007, 01:22 PM
I would like to commend everyone who replied to this thread that they kept it nice and civil on what could have been a touchy subject and could have easily degenerated into a flame war.
The fact it has stayed like this is one of the things I really like about the TBCS community.

Now this threwad has been closed, feel free to PM myself or jdbnsn anything else worthwhile that you think should be added here.