Welcome to the TBCS Community Forums.
Everything you need to know during your stay at TBCS.
Just post whatever the heck you want, within reason.
In depth discussion of technology new and old.
Have something nice to say, or maybe you broke the board?!? Post it here.
Found something of interest and want to share the details? Post it here.
Looking for, or know of any Hot Deals on hardware? Post them here and share with others.
Enter the famous Modder's Challenge!
All Articles on the front page link to this forum.
Any Polls we run will be found here.
Here you will find items for trade, sale, or desired by TBCS members.
It is mandatory that users read these rules and suggestions before participating in any transactions. TBCS is not accountable for deals gone bad.
Members may post items for sale based on the rules found in the "Rules of the Road" forum.
Members may post notices here for things they would like to buy.
This is where to post brief description of your experience with a buyer/seller. Facts only, no speculation.
Paul Capello's exclusive worklogs
A Place For Members to Display Their Graphic Art Talent.
Got a project using micro controllers, or questions? This is the place to chat and post about microcontollers.
The Cream of the Crop. Hand picked by us for exceptional talent, skill or creativity.
Show us what you can do!
Building your Masterpiece? Show it off and tell us all about it.
Hardware Hacks, Fine Art, Sculpture, and anything else you are proud to have tweaked.
Finished Mods Populate This Forum
If you're new to modding or PC building, ask your questions in here.
For the more advanced questions.
Have more ideas at the moment than cash? Share your modding musings here!
It does exactly what it says on the tin.
Not sure why, but somethings bugging out on your rig? This is the place to be.
Hard Drives, Solid State Drives, Optical Drives, USB Drives, Wireless Home Networks, Routers, Servers, Modems, RAM, etc...
Motherboards, Processor News, Issues, Overclocking Discussions, All topics PSU & Case Electronics related.
All topics relating to the above.
All topics relating to the audio.
Cases of all kinds, Fans, Water Cooling, Peltiers, Phase Change, Modding Tools.
The windows are open, so come in and shoot the breeze about your OS, tweaks, fixes, etc.
All topics related to video game software.
All topics related to software in general.
There are currently 1171 users online. 2 members and 1169 guests
Most users ever online was 29,524, 11-17-2024 at 11:35 PM.
Welcome to our newest member, navreet4