One more and I'll have 3GB!
This is really cool. It's sort of like an online Thumb Drive. Best part is... I can't lose it like I always do with regular thumb drives! lol
It's a great way to...
Type: Posts; User: Zephik; Keyword(s):
One more and I'll have 3GB!
This is really cool. It's sort of like an online Thumb Drive. Best part is... I can't lose it like I always do with regular thumb drives! lol
It's a great way to...
Nice! Thanks man. I'm now up to .5GB more space! Woot. Just 2.5GB more to go! haha
Does anyone else use it? How do you like it? I just installed it on my PC as well as on my iPod Touch. It's pretty cool. I can place files into my Dropbox from either device and access those files...