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Thread: imported model help

  1. #1
    Fresh Paint
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Cornwall UK

    Default imported model help

    so ive built a scale model of my pc desk,
    now i want to start to add things to it, first off im trying to connect a mobo that ive imported to the side of my pc desk
    but im having real trouble lining up the mobo up, not only on all the axes but getting it onto my pc desk,
    ill probably get there in the end but im thinking theres got to be an easyer way than rotating pushing n pulling till its right.
    we;; i hope there is

  2. #2
    Keepin' it Metal .Maleficus.'s Avatar
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    The Dairy State...

    Default Re: imported model help

    Errr, what?

    3D model? What program? What exactly are you trying to do?
    RIP Bucko

  3. #3
    ATX Mental Case tinker's Avatar
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    Nov 2007

    Default Re: imported model help

    If you are using sketchup then you can get it rotated to whatever way you want it, then select the move tool. Click on the imported object you want to move and then tap left arrow key on your keyboard to go along the green axis. Once you move it where you want it to be as far as the green axis goes you do the same for the red and blue. red axis=right arrow key, blue axis=up or down arrow key.

    I hope this helps. I'm not sure if I'm even answering your question but hopefully I am.

  4. #4
    Fresh Paint
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    Sep 2007
    Cornwall UK

    Default Re: imported model help

    sory looks like i didnt explain that very well,
    yes it is sketchup and yeh you pretty much got it tinker
    i have got quicker at it but it still seems to me a very awkward operation for what is a very easy prog to use.
    i was thinking tinker that you could click on a side of the imported object then click on a side/face of where you want that imported image to go and it would place it there,
    it took me ages to get the HDD's and the mobo lined up with that surface so i could place them on,
    using the arrows when the move tool is selected dosent seem to work for me as in it dosent do anything.
    im presuming there isnt realy an easy way i just need to get better at using the prog.

  5. #5
    ATX Mental Case tinker's Avatar
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    Nov 2007

    Default Re: imported model help

    Yea. That should work for you maybe I just explained it bad but basically thats the easiest way

  6. #6
    Ride on, Bucko. FuzzyPlushroom's Avatar
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    Live Free or Die, bitches.

    Default Re: imported model help

    Seriously, that's some impressive spam.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mitternacht View Post
    Everyone else had quotes, and I didn't. I figured the next funny thing I see I'd throw in my sig.
    Quote Originally Posted by Luke122 View Post
    Jon, the whole post is about building a bong that changes its own water.
    Gee, it damn sure took me long enough to find and add the origin of the first quote...

  7. #7
    Resident 100HP water-cannon operator SXRguyinMA's Avatar
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: imported model help

    sure is

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