Alright, this mod took off one day after browsing some cool rigs over at I've done my own modding on my Armor case so far, added LCS and other goodies, but thats for another thread. Me and the Fiance (soon to be wife - Aug 30th) were sittin at the comp. one night and were thinkin what we could put a computer in. She was playin her guitar at the time, and we both looked at each other and it clicked! A GUITAR!
So we started brainstorming and I dug out an old mobo with a PIII 500MHz ready to go. Just need the basics, a cheap PSU, CD drive, floppy, etc. This computer is going to be far from a top notch gaming rig. She's a writer, so this comp will be hers for writing, etc. so it doesnt need to be high-powered.
So heres the details so far. All that is done as of right now is a crappy MS paint drawing lol.
As you can see, the base I'm going to hand lay from carbon fiber. I've got a roll of cloth and resin and have some basic fiberglassing skills so I'm going to give it a shot. This is where the mobo and everything will mount to. I'm also going to make the decorative pick guard out of carbon, and maybe a few other details/drive mounts etc. as well.
The body of the guitar is going to be translucent green acrylic with some LED lighting, not sure on the details on that yet. The PSU will mount under the sound hole, so the PSU exhaust will blow up through the hole.
The mobo will sit at the bottom of the guitar, with all the I/O connections coming out of the bottom, so when its finished and sitting on a guitar stand we'll be able to run the cables under and behind it.
The bridge, neck and head will all be made out of red translucent acrylic. We're going to put the frets in as well, just not sure what we'll use for material on them, either actualy guitar string or possibly something else.
We plan on using small diameter acrylic rod for the strings themselves, which will have LEDs in the bottoms for power, HDD, CD avtivity, etc. So when the LEDS light up the entire "string" will light up.
I've never worked with acrylic before, but I have read through the "working with acrylic" thread on this site and I learned a lot, so I'm jsut going to order some up, and plenty of extra, and have at it! The carbon will be simple, I've got fiberglass and carbon experience already, so its just a matter of finding a perfectly smooth flat surface to lay the cloth and resin down on.
This build will take some time, as we just moved into a new apartment and funds are really tight, but I wanted to at least start the thread with the idea layed out, and update it as funds allow.
Thanks to everyone here for their creations and gettin gme motivated to try this!