For anyone whos interested in learning php:
Righto, When your coding php it's handy to have some form of php editor. It makes things easier to read and what not, I use Adobe Dreamweaver CS3. You are also going to need somewhere to test your php scripts, so get a free webhosting account or set up a local web server using WAMP or XAMPP (google on or the other
Where do i start?
When you start to write php, you need to put your php tags onto the page so the browser will recognize it as php.
To do this, all ya gotta do it write what is in the code box below, and your set to start writing php.
*code goes here*
Wtf is echoing?
Usually echoing is when sounds reflects off walls, therefore repeating. But thats got nothing to do with echoing in php.
If you echo something in php it basically means your outputting it onto the page.
Below is the code for a simple hello world page. Read the comments to see what what does.
(a comment is what php will ignore, anything on the same line after // is commented out)
<?php // Opening php tag.
echo("Hello World"); // The page will display the text "Hello World"
?> // Closing php tag.
That was easy, whats next?
Variables are little 'things' that data is stored in. Look at the different types of code below for a few examples of how variables can be used.
$variable = "Hello World";
echo($variable); // Outputs the text "Hello World"
$variable = 1 + 2;
echo($variable); //Outputs 3.
$onevariable = 1;
$anothervariable = 2;
echo($onevariable + $anothervariable); //Outputs 3.
Cool, whats a function?
Well, thats easy. A function is something that does something 
For example, echo is something that does something. It takes the parameters you enter in brackets and outputs them.
e.g echo(PARAMETERS);
Where parameters will be a string, variable or something else.
There are a variety of functions which come in handy and do different things. There is pretty much a function for everything you will need to do in php. And if there isn't, write it yourself.
How do I write one myself?
do this:
function multiply($num1,$num2)
echo($num1 * $num2);
multiply(6,10); // This will output 60 because multiply() multiplies your two parameters.
Anyway, thats the end. You've probably got alot of questions because this is probably not detailed or explanatory enough, so go ahead and ask anything. I'll get back to ya ASAP.
And if you notice anything wrong with this. Tell me, coz I'd probably want to fix it. 