Recently, I have been hearing about how the new USB type-C connector shall become the new interface for virtually all electronic devices, but I fail to see what is so great about it. After all, there are already USB type-A, USB type-B, USB mini, and USB micro connectors, although USB mini has largely been phased out in favor of USB micro. Is not USB type-C yet another standard in a market that already has plenty of standards? I shall refer you to this XKCD strip, which I believe is an accurate (if satirical) representation of the situation.
In my mind, given that USB type-A is by far the most common type of USB connector (or any connector, for that matter) at the present time, why not remain focused on it, rather than create another variation of it? Of, if the main advantage of USB type-C is is small size, why not focus on USB micro, instead, as that is a standard that has already established itself for numerous devices? What does everyone else say about this?
Also, I have noticed that USB type-C connectors are perfectly symmetrical, unlike most other connectors, which are asymmetrical to prevent improper insertion, so how does USB type-C prevent that?