B4 you read this when removal of the pins make sure you know where which wire goes some how or another for putting them back in and make sure they are in the same place they came from.
Ok since i didnt have a molex remover i had to find out how to do it somehow, so after roughly 3 min. on google i found a guide on how to remove female molex pins with presision screw drivers which i have, but couldnt find so i took a paper clip and removed them this is how:
1. get a paper clips that doesnt bend like paper something sturdy.
2. look at your female molex connectors you should see the 4 circular holes if you look carefully in the holes around the sides of the pins you should see 2 metal things sticking out of the pins to hold them in they need you be bent inward *CAREFULLY* dont jam it in there. BTW these pieces are directly across from each other.
3. now i found the easiest way to bend the holder in was to move it so one of holders was in the area that is like a line on the molex then slowly push the paper clip down the side til you feel the thing pop in if you cant tell and you are frustrated then push the paper clip in the pin gently and see if it pops out. BTW when you feel that a holder has been bent into the pin look down into the pin to see if it is you will know.
4. next do the same with other side, once both holders have been bent in you should be able to remove the pin with no problems.
5.if you cant manuver your pins into the possition to push the paper clip in this isnt a problem, gently push the paper clip in the side of the hole so that the paper clip slides down the hold next to the pin push slowly and gently until you feel the holder pop in and same with the others if neccesary.
6. now that you know what the hell you are doing remove the others and sleeve them or do what you intended to. and have fun.
BTW i am not responsible if you wreck you psu or fans or w/e... lol i personally would suggest getting the proper tool! but hey this is what i had to work with and im basically a new to this all... so its really not hard just be patient.