I sampled this mod from here.
Here is his instructions:
So I was at Walgreens and saw a battery powered light kit and decided to give it a go.1. Get a USB connector cable (preferably from so you dont get ripped off
2. Get some batterry operated Christmas lights. These can be purchased at Ace Hardware, Walmart or even your local dollar store.
Get the ones that use a 5 volt powersupply. (2 batterry or 3 battery ones work nicely.)
3. Cut the batterry pack off of the Christmas lights.
4. Strip the USB connector cable and the red and black wires inside.
5. Solder the red (+) and black (-) USB wires to the positive and negative wires of the Christmas lights respectively. You may want to verify with a multimeter before you solder to insure you have the correct wires.
7. You now have a really cool set of USB christmas lights! Geektacular!
Here is a hardware list:
Battery power xmas lights: $5.99
Elmers gel instant glue: already had
Some type of USB cable: already had
total cost for me = ~$6.00
Christmas Lights
USB cable ( I used some weird USB to network jobby:confused: )
Christmas Lights un-boxed
Battery compartment opened
Wires stripped on the USB cable
Testing...........IT WORKS! I trusted the above instructions and used the red as + and the black as -. then I just read the inside of the battery compartment to see -/+ I just looked how the batteries were setup in there.
Testing w/lights off
Closer shot
Closer closer shot