Change the "perverted" to young, and you'd have me, lol.
For those of you that are slow (if any ) that makes it "lonely young men." lol
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Just a question about the rep system.
One of these appears in your user control panel for rep if the person gives you it and they have less then 10 posts. At the time they had less then 10 posts. But now the person who gave the rep has 13 posts and the rep hasn't changed. I'm not trying to nitpick or anything just a heads up.
Need a sig
I believe this is actually a bug in VBulletin. I tried to fix this before by forcing a 'recount' of the Reps. I think we all remember the merry hell that caused, so maybe we're just going to have to wait for a while on this one.But now the person who gave the rep has 13 posts and the rep hasn't changed. I'm not trying to nitpick or anything just a heads up.
Originally Posted by jdbnsnOriginally Posted by jdbnsn
While we are talking Reps and the like, I noticed Airbozo has his 6th rep box (congratulations AB!), however I noticed his status hasn't changed.
It still shows him as "Airbozo has iconic status around here".
Now by the info I was given when writing the Rep Guide, that should only stay until he reaches 200 rep points, at which stage he should have "Airbozo s a pillar of this community" come up.
By the fact he has the 6th box, he should have over 220 rep points as the 6th box takes 60 points to get after getting the 5th at 160 rep points.
So even if the 6th was got after only another 40 rep points at 200 total, his status should still change.
Well noticed Bucko! Although it's not actually a glitch, it's set up this way.
Some of the info in your guide isn't quite correct, but only for the later stages. I've changed it to be more accurate and fixed one of them server side to reflect your guide, sort of a 'meet in the middle' deal. +rep for hawkeyes.
EDIT: Noticed a few other points where this happens too. Rep points increase at 80, not 100. I've also lowered the minimum post count to 5, and changed your guide to reflect it. There was a mistake in the negative post counts section and a few other things that i've fixed. It should now be 100% correct.
Last edited by DaveW; 04-28-2007 at 08:01 AM.
Originally Posted by jdbnsnOriginally Posted by jdbnsn
Thanks Dave. I went off a screen capture Crimson gave me on where the status changes.
The other bits I went off reading all the threads on rep points and where you (I think) said it was at 100 points for the rep power to change.
I see Airbozo is now a pillar of this community, though Commando only has iconic status. Shouldn't he have something different as he has the 6th box?
The boxes and the 'ranks' or whatever they are don't match up, although they probably aught to. The thinking behind it is that although the blips get given at fairly regular intervals, you can tell vaguely how close a person is to getting their next blip by looking at their 'rank' thingymijigger.
Originally Posted by jdbnsnOriginally Posted by jdbnsn
I realise that is how it works, that two people can have the same amount of boxes, yet have different ranks.
The point I was making is the "Pillar of this community" should come in at 200 rep points. Commando should have at least 220 points to have the 6th box, yet it says he has iconic status still.