Rape is nothing to be laughed at. I can only imagine how it is to have been raped. My one bit of advice is try to get over it, talk with somebody about it, it's not an attack on you because of who you are, but because someone cannot contain their urges, it's not your fault, it's the other asshole's, try to move on and live your life and be happy! I hate seeing people being depressed, it makes me feel like crap too, I try to help them to feel better and as a side effect, if I'm successful at it, I feel better too. It would piss me off to where my logic left me and I could not think the same as I do at this time, it takes help from someone else too to feel better.

Hopefully this helps someone to get over old pains, I have some to get over too. Try to be happy even when your life is hell, it's one thing that I find vital to not giving up or just scraping along, find the positive in your life and help force it to grow, if necessary. Dwelling on the negative aspects of the world don't help anyone, especially yourself.

I don't know who my target audience is here, but I'm saying this as a friend (I may not be considered by whomever to be their friend, but I'm trying to help), I care, but I have my own crap to deal with and I'll get back to that.

Damn it's hard to be neutral and/or the "good guy"... I'ma stop for now and maybe I'll have made someone think a bit more about things and maybe made them feel better or helped them in some way.
