Alrighty, Where to start. I have been surfing these forums for a while and finally decided to post my mod. So here it is.

This is kind of my first mod, but as the title implies it is the second revision. I made a toolbox before this, but I wasn't quite satisfied with the result. So I had to build another.

I guess I will give a brief overview of the work I did on it.

- I first acquired an old motherboard tray from and old case, and dremeled out the holes on the back for it, I also had to do some trimming on the motherboard tray to get it to fit.

- Next Mounted the power supply, which is under the DVD drive.

- To mount the DVD drive I used L-brackets to mount aluminum supports to.

- For the Hard Drive I Bent some aluminum to run up and over the DVD drive. My bracket just mounts to the side holes on the DVD drive.

-The Fan in the lid is a 92mm Slot cooler. I just used its cover as a guided for cutting. I also gave the fan a custom paint job.

- The black box mounted on the left, Is a simple push button fan controller I wired up for the fan mounted in the lid.

- I also made some mesh PCI slot covers using AC Ryan Mesh.

Well thats about it. If you have any questions just ask. I also apologize for the poor quality of the pictures. Since my roommate sold his camera I'm down to the one in my cell phone.