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Thread: Gameboy Colour screen integration

  1. #1
    Fresh Paint
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Gameboy Colour screen integration

    Hi guys, i have an old gameboy colour lying around in bits (as i literaly took it apart 20 mins prior to searching google to find mod sites, which might help me out). The reason for this post is because i wish to know if there is a way to integrate the gameboy colours screen into a pc case, and have it display custom pictures etc, like say i wanted an animated amd64 logo on the side (or front) of my pc, then have that logo play on a timed loop, say every 10 seconds etc (or any custom timing loop) and when i power up it has a different logo that say welcome to the power of amd 64 etc (your imagination an photoshop skills the limit), and a custom 1 for shutdown. That would be totaly cool.

    Now i have the screen taken out in perfect condition, only it has a ribbon connector with like 50 plus connection points to it, would i have to desolder the connector from the gbc mobo?, or use the whole thing inside my rig?.

    I was thinking of maybe just extending the ribbon cable, then mounting the gbc inside my pc, and have a power connection to the hdd power cable etc, then have a few wires soldered to the game cart and sum how use roms from the hdd to do this, only problem with that is i dont know how to do such a thing lol, and if it ran of a rom then it would only loop 1 rom at a time, and i would prob have to load it myself each time.

    Ok enough of my theoris of a noob etc, i just think this is an excelent mod for unused hardware that would be cool, unique and free for every user who has an old gameboy/colour or gameboy advance lying around, i have also seen such a mod carried out with 1 of them portable psone screens, only that was wired up as a second monitor on the pc.

    If anyone has an idea on this pls post, i am dying in anticipation of doing this (reminds me of the time i wanted to anodise my motorola v3 to make it gold ^^, but was put of cos i would have to buy a t3 screwdriver for like £20 and then all the stuff to do anodising), but this mod is plausable, it only takes the brains of 1 genius for this to happen, please be that genius and help me out man ^^ cheers.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Gameboy Colour screen integration

    So basically without the GBC your computer will have no idea what to do with the screen. It will not recognize it as a valid monitor unless you can somehow build a converter for the ribbon cable to a VGA/DVI connector and connect it to a free slot on your graphics card. Secondly, your computer will have no idea what to do with the screen unless you write some code to tell the computer how to use it.

    There are tutorials on how to program for GBC (i belive it's either C or C++). Problem with that is it's designed for you to create roms and use a GB emulator on your computer. I can't really think of a way you could transfer that to a cartridge or your gba via your computer unless someone has devised a hack to do that (google it up).

    If you do manage to find this stuff and you wrote a program to use an amd logo or whatever, you'd then simply need to mod your case (wherever you want the screen), leaving the gb intact, attaching the screen to a hole in your case or wherever, attatch the mobo from the gb somewhere else. From my knowledge, gbs run on 3vDC, so use one of the outputs from your computer's mobo with a resistor and a voltage regulator. Heatsink the voltage reg as it'll get hot, and you've got yourself a working thing.

    All in all, it would be a very difficult project, and it may not even be possible, but if it is, i wish you good luck.

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