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Thread: Hosting a domain

  1. #1
    Sunshine Flavored Lollipops Zephik's Avatar
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    Default Hosting a domain

    One simple, noobish question.

    Is it possible to host your own domain instead of signing up for one? Like say, Go Daddy?

    I would like to experiment in building a website but without the monthly fee. I'm just doing it for fun, so there really is no point as far as I can see in having a paid domain. But I don't want to sign up for one of those free ones... like Brinkster. Which is great and all... but its severely limited in what you can do. I want full free access so I can experiment around without being limited.

    If it is possible to host my own domain, how would I go about doing that? I've googled it and found a few guides, but they all require setting up an account at some website, such as Go Daddy. Which is why I'm asking if its even possible in the first place.

    I feel like such a noob... my title should be revoked. lol
    People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People’s heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.

  2. #2
    Since 2006 DaJe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hosting a domain

    To make it short, no, it won't be free.

  3. #3
    Talk nerdy to me nil8's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hosting a domain

    There is a way to do this. It is not free and since the dot com droupout, web hosting is super cheap & much less hassle. Even most of the free webhosts are less hassle than running your own from your house.

    You register domain name with a company called InterNIC. Basically, it's a lease. You pay your money, they add an entry to the dozen or so DNS servers that says that is attached to this IP.

    You setup a server on your network that has the external IP of
    The domain info points to You install some webhosting software, normally Apache or IIS and install your website into the service(fancy way of saying you put it in the right folder).

    Whenever someone out on the net types in, the InterNIC DNS servers translate that to, which hits your server & the website service you have running displays the webpage you created and placed on there.

    This is an extremely simplified model, but it gives you an idea of how it actually works.

  4. #4
    Yuk it up Monkey Boy! Airbozo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hosting a domain

    Couple of things to add;

    You can run a domain "in house". This can be a pain in the butt, since there are a lot of configuration issues that go along with it and unless you are _really_ good at internet security, opens the system up as a big target to hackers.

    Then there is the issue of your ISP _allowing_ you to host any sort of web server. Some ISP's limit this in their contract, some don't mention it except in some clause about exceeding bandwidth restrictions. I have 4 domains and all of them are hosted at I can configure pretty much everything I want to _except_ editing config files for linux or apache etc...

    That being said, you can host your own "Domain" without ever connecting it to the internet. But what is the point. Well you could get familiar with the configuration issues and just plain have fun (in a geeky kind of way), but you will never be able to truly test it out.

    Now if all you want to do is build a LAMPs server (Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP), and bring up a webserver for yourself, it is not that hard. There are many tutorials on the web (go to google and type in "lamps (insert os name here)), and you will find many references to it. Most linux distro's already have all the packages ready to go for you, you just need to add certain info and away you go. If you have a router/firewall at home, you can put it behind that and have the firewall route all web traffic to a specific machine in your network. This helps with security quite a bit.

    Domain names: You can get a domain name for about $25-$65 per year, or cheaper if you buy multiple years. You can then use one of the Dynamic ip DNS servers (many free) to point your domain name to your home system. A piece of software runs on your server and monitors the IP addy. When it changes, that software automatically changes the info on the Dynamic DNS server to match, so when your IP changes your domain will still be reachable.

    Again, you really don't have to put it up on the internet to play around with a web server. Instead of typing as the url, you would just type the IP (or whatever), and so long as the webserver is setup to respond to that addy, it will answer requests "from within your own home network ONLY".
    "...Dumb all over, A little ugly on the side... "...Frank Zappa...

  5. #5
    Talk nerdy to me nil8's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hosting a domain

    If you're hosting a web server internally, that's called an intranet.

    Good info Airbozo. I'd rep+, but I can't.
    The ISP statement is correct. Some ISP's will take drastic measures if they find out you're running a server on a home based connection and agreement.

    LAMP is also made for windows. It's a quick, easy way to setup a webserver.
    Look for WAMP in google.
    If you're interested in running a webserver, Apache is the way to go. IIS is costly, and has issues that Apache doesn't.
    LAMP/WAMP makes that insanely easier.

    As for dynamic DNS services, they're useful for a normal home user. Most cable modem/dsl users don't have static ips and a dynamic DNS solves this problem. It's a program that installs to your machine and at regularly timed intervals, uploads your current IP to their DNS servers, so anyone who types in the address will hit your external IP. It's quick and easy, but requires a little bit of understanding. has been around for years, is free, stable and a great place. If you need better services, they offer those for decent rates as well.

    If you have an internal router or gateway(192.168.x.x), you will need to enable port forwarding if you want your server to receive specific things. Like setting port 21 if you want to have an FTP server.

    Blegh, I had a tough day at the old IT factory. My brain is fried. I'm going to wander off a bit and do something mindless.

    If you have any questions about all this Snow, ask. I'm sure someone here knows. I hope this helps.

  6. #6
    Sunshine Flavored Lollipops Zephik's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hosting a domain


    You guys rock. Thanks for all that info! I think I'm going to create a dummy page, or at least that what I'm calling it. Basically, a webpage that I can play with and view in a web browser, but thats not connected to the internet. That way I still get to have fun and get some website building experience out of it. You never know when you will be in a situation where that knowledge might come in handy. ^_^

    One more question though. I knew a girl from awhile back that hosted a song she had for me so I could put it on myspace. I typed something in the URL, but I don't think it was like a thing. But it was a direct link to that song. My friend mike also has something like that. He has a server setup at his house and we (his friends, including me) can access stuff off of his server. I haven't actually tried it yet because I forgot the url and password or whatever, but how does that work? Are they paying a monthly fee for that too?
    People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People’s heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.

  7. #7
    Spam Sniper SgtM's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hosting a domain

    Damnit guys, I can't really say I have anything to add to that. + rep to Airbozo and nil8.

    Yeah I can...
    One more question though. I knew a girl from awhile back that hosted a song she had for me so I could put it on myspace. I typed something in the URL, but I don't think it was like a thing. But it was a direct link to that song. My friend mike also has something like that. He has a server setup at his house and we (his friends, including me) can access stuff off of his server. I haven't actually tried it yet because I forgot the url and password or whatever, but how does that work? Are they paying a monthly fee for that too?
    Most likely they're using something like dyndns. My server(s) are down right now, or else I'd try it out tonight. I'm not going to bring them back up until after we move.

  8. #8
    Banned Eclecticos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hosting a domain

    Quote Originally Posted by nil8 View Post
    The ISP statement is correct. Some ISP's will take drastic measures if they find out you're running a server on a home based connection and agreement.
    Sad, But True.

    I read the Agreement on my Verizon DSL is has a huge section about violating TOS . .running a srvr is the main one.

    I got some domain hosting with godaddy I pay $3.99 a month. . I think i payed 14.95 startup fee or sumthing like that. Real cheap.

    They give you free hosting credits to.

    I went APeee. .on the domain names on nite. Bought all kinda weird ones.

  9. #9
    Strip it, paint it, and love on it... Commando's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hosting a domain

    Snow Fire,

    Don't cut yourself short. Web development is really addicting and time consuming but is generally really cool. Nowadays it's pretty darn easy also. If you are thinking of making the plunge though. Ask questions. People around here really know what they are talking about.

    Web designing or developing, whatever you want to call it, is ridiculously frustrating at first... Don't get discouraged though. Just keep asking questions.

    • You buy a domain, like 9$.
    • Then you can get hosting for like 6$ a month. It's really not that bad. Your name @ your domain is a pretty cool email address.
    • Here's the cool part. Most of the complicated website stuff, like this forum, you can install straight from the control panel your hosting service lets you log onto.

    Hey -eck,

    They give you free hosting credits to
    What are hosting credits?

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