Hello everyone,
Thought I'd try an idea that Crimson and I were discussing at the Maker's Faire. If it goes well, we'll keep it going and if not I'll move eveything back to the software and op systems forum. Here is the idea with the Photoshop and SketchUp forums:
1) Anyone who has knowledge of how to use these programs is encouraged to participate and post a technique to share with the rest of us.
2) Your thread should contain ONE technique on how to achieve a particular effect, this is not for series guides or overall tutorials and try to make the title of your thread as descriptive and brief as possible.
3) Think of your thread as a section in a big how-to-use_______ book, and write a detailed description including screenshots of how to obtain each effect you teach us on.
4) We will collect as many techniques as we can in hopes of putting together a nice comprehensive overview of each program.
5) Beware the temptations of plegarism!!! If we find that you have cut and pasted someone else's tutorial from the internet, will will delete the thread and you will recieve infractions and/or ban. That's not to say you cannot replicate an online tutorial, just make it your own.
6) Your threads are subject to editing by the staff as we see fit so bear with us.
7) Please lock your thread after you have submitted it, general comments can be left here and rep can still be distributed.
Any questions post them here and I'll address them, thanks for playing along!